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Privatization of conflict with growth of multi-billion dollar industry of Private military firms, also has many contradictions and inherent issues

Sometimes thought of as the invisible army, private military and security companies (PMSCs) are part of a global, multi-billion-dollar industry. Private military firms are businesses that provide military and security services for their employers and have legal status. This new ‘Privatized Military Industry’ encompasses hundreds of companies, thousands of employees, …

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Development of Next generation Infrared Focal Plane Arrays improving Military’s Night Fighting Capability

Night vision devices are becoming essential equipment for night driving, night flying and night surveillance, wildlife observation and search and rescue missions. Night Vision has become essential capability for ground forces in modern warfare as well as for counter terrorist operations.According to Industry ARC’s report on Night vision devices, the …

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Countries plan Arms Export Strategy for geo-political influence, bolstering defense industry and creating jobs

The United States remains the world’s top weapons seller, accounting for 34 percent of global arms sales over the past five years. Russia was the second-largest exporter with about 20 percent of all global arms deliveries, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported on March 11 in its latest …

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DARPA RFMLS exploiting Machine Learning to RF domain for Spectrum sharing and Military IOT systems security

The field of AI has experienced a renaissance fueled by modern data-driven Machine Learning (ML) techniques. In contrast to the expert-engineered processing and decision making of the previous generation of AI, ML-based techniques are able to learn to perform a task from raw sensory input.  ML techniques have advanced the fields …

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DARPA SeeMe to provide US warfighters on-demand access to timely imagery of their specific overseas location directly from a small satellite

Today, the lowest echelon members of the U.S. military deployed in remote overseas locations are unable to obtain on-demand satellite imagery in a timely and persistent manner for pre-mission planning. This is due to lack of satellite overflight opportunities, inability to receive direct satellite downlinks at the tactical level and …

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DARPA enhancing Military COTS system security by automatically deploying secure configurations of Components

The growth of the internet-of-things (IoT) and network-connected composed systems (e.g., aircraft, critical-infrastructure, etc.) has led to unprecedented technical diversity in deployed systems. From consumer IoT devices developed with minimal built-in security, which are often co-opted by malware to launch large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on internet infrastructure, …

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DARPA’s Advanced RF Mapping (Radio Map) enable radio-frequency situational awareness on the battlefield.

Military spectrum requirements are also increasing exponentially as military operations increasingly rely on access to the wireless spectrum in order to assess the tactical environment and coordinate and execute their critical missions. The demand for more and timely information at every echelon is driving an increase in DoD’s need for …

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DARPA BRASS creating centenarian, survivable, hackproof, scalable and adaptive military software

As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid obsolescence—if at some cost in terms of frustration. In the case of the U.S. military, having access to well-functioning software systems and underlying content is …

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New technologies to secure future Billions of Every day and Military “Internet of Things” and enabling new industrial revolutions such as Industry 4.0

By 2025, it is predicted that there can be as many as 100 billion connected IoT devices or network of everyday objects as well as sensors that will be infused with intelligence and computing capability. These devices shall comprise of personal devices such as smart watches, digital glasses and fitness …

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US Navy found Faulty Welding in Submarine Missile Tubes, developing non-destructive weld inspection methods

In 2000, a Russian cruise-missile submarine — Kursk — sank, killing all 118 sailors on board. The Russian government concluded the ship sunk due to a faulty weld which caused a gas leak and led to an explosion.   The U.S. Navy in August 2018 said that there’s a problem …

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