Landmines are a global threat. Several countries suffer from the existence of millions of buried landmines in their territories. These landmines have indefinite life, and may still cause horrific personal injuries and economic dislocation for decades after a war has finished. Landmines came into widespread use in the Second World …
Read More »DARPA SSPARC developed spectrum-sharing technologies between military radars and communication systems for assured access to contested electromagnetic environment
Spectrum congestion is a growing problem. It increasingly limits operational capabilities due to the increasing deployment and bandwidth of wireless communications, the use of net-centric and unmanned systems, and the need for increased flexibility in radar and communications spectrum to improve performance and to overcome sophisticated countermeasures. Ongoing wireless …
Read More »Countries race to employ Blockchain, the virtual currencies technology, for tamper-proof military systems and cybersecurity
Blockchain is a transformative technology for the two billion people in the world currently underserved by financial institutions. The technology has the potential to enhance privacy, security and freedom of conveyance of data. Blockchain is based on open, global infrastructure, decentralized public ledger of transactions that no one person or …
Read More »Propulsion motors are enabling stealthy warships and submarines propelled with an electric propulsion system
Navies of various countries have announced making their warships and submarines propelled with an electric propulsion system. Instead of driving the ship’s propellers directly, diesel engines turn electric generators, which in turn power electric motors that drive the propellers. This arrangement enables diesels to be placed away from the shafts and …
Read More »Supercomputers can assist in Cyber Security by Identifying threats, detecting anomalous behaviour and finding software vulnerabilities
Supercomputers have become essential for National Security, for decoding encrypted messages, simulating complex ballistics models, nuclear weapon detonations and other WMD, developing new kinds of stealth technology, and cyber defence/ attack simulation. Because of the expense, supercomputers are typically used for the most intensive calculations, like predicting climate change, or …
Read More »Air Force testing tactical data links gateway for communications between F-22 and F-35 aircraft enabling Network centric systems
NCW is theory of warfare in the information age which hypothesizes that forces which are networked will outperform forces that are not. NCW is an ‘integration of sensors, decision-makers, weapons platforms and support capabilities to enable agility’ providing ‘interoperability and collaboration within and between services’. According to U.S. Defense …
Read More »Countries upgrading Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar systems to counter threats like drones, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and cruise missiles
As the threat for Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (RAM) increases around the world, the need for a system to detect and alert Soldiers of incoming rounds for military locations becomes vital to mission success and force survivability. Military installations such as forward operating bases are vulnerable to rocket, artillery and …
Read More »Countries plan Autonomous, maneuverable and hardened satellites to counter rising space threats
The space is also becoming increasingly militarized many countries are developing killer microsatellites and other antisatellite weapons (ASAT) that could be used to damage other satellites. Potential adversaries have the ability to focus on temporary, reversible effects such as jamming or dazzling which denies or disrupts the satellite versus …
Read More »NATO refocussing on development of Electronic Warfare to match sophiticated capabilites of its adversaries
For NATO forces, the Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is an essential part of military operations, so much so that many Allied leaders now see the EME as an operational environment and a part of the battlespace where friendly forces manoeuvre in time, location, and spectrum to create electromagnetic effects in support …
Read More »US, Russia, and China are developing next generation nuclear submarine fleets, other countries are also mastering nuclear submarine technology
A nuclear submarine is a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor. The performance advantages of nuclear submarines over “conventional” (typically diesel-electric) submarines are considerable. Nuclear submarines are more powerful than diesel-powered submarines because nuclear reactors powering them can run for years without the need for refuelling. Nuclear propulsion, being completely …
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