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Yearly Archives: 2021

US Navy thrust on preventative maintenance & prognostics-based approach to increase operational availability or mission success of Naval fleet or battlegroup

One of the major objectives of the military is to achieve high reliability and operational availability of their assets. Significant operational benefits are to be gained by employing highly reliable military assets. The major reasons why achieving high reliability is so important are: (1) maintaining weapons systems consumes a significant …

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Cellulose nanopaper promising for green electronics, green vehicles, energy harvesting and optical sensing

In recent years, nanomaterials have displayed potential in effective detection and removal of greenhouse gases, chemical contaminants, organic pollutants, and biological agents. These materials come in various morphologies and have various functions (e.g., adsorbents, catalysts, or membranes). The high reactivity and high surface area of nanomaterials are some of the …

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Graphene enables room temperature single photon emitter and detector for unhackable Quantum Key Cryptography (QKD)

Quantum Key Distribution, or QKD, enables two remote parties, “Alice” and “Bob”, who are connected by a passive optical link to securely generate secret key material. Single-photon sources (SPSs) and single-photon detectors (SPDs) are key devices for enabling practical quantum key distributions (QKDs).  Single photon generation is necessary for secure quantum transmission; …

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US, Israel and India require new Tunnel Detection and neutralization technologies to stop drug and weapon smuggling, human trafficking, and cross border terrorism

Criminals, terrorists and military have been using  tunnels since long time to evade detection as surface based detection methods are ineffective underground .   Indian Border Security Force (BSF) troopers in Nov 2020 discovered an underground tunnel on the international border at Regal area in J&K`s Samba district, officials said. As …

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Airborne wind energy (AWE) is future emerging technology in the wind power sector

Renewable energy is at the centre of the transition to a less carbon-intensive and more sustainable energy system. Renewables have grown rapidly in recent years, accompanied by sharp cost reductions for solar photovoltaics and wind power in particular. The future development of wind power presents a significant opportunity in terms …

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Optical Circulators are building blocks for chips for optical communication networks and quantum computers

Fiber optical circulators are used to separate optical signals that travel in opposite directions in an optic fiber in order to complete bidirectional transmission. Optical circulators are also known as non-reciprocal optics, which means when the light travels in the opposite direction, changes in the light properties are not reversed. …

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Wireless Power Transfer(WPT) set to complete the transition to Wireless life for Consumers and Military, Countries trialling WPT for electric vehicles

Electronics has revolutionized our society by providing many devices e.g. laptops, palm pilots, digital cameras, household robots, etc. Every electronic system or device needs electric power to operate, whether it is from  walled AC supply or a battery. This electric power cannot be stored infinitely in any rechargeable device like …

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DSO’s Make-It program on Synthetic chemistry enables end-to-end automated production of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals

Chemists who are trained in synthesis use their skills to create new forms of matter. They synthesize compounds not just because they are new: the design and preparation of these new compounds leads to numerous applications in pharmaceuticals, materials, detection, energy utilization and storage, and insights into biological systems. Synthesis …

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DARPA RIDE to employ Automation and artificial intelligence to discover new Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD

Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations. Every time a gun fires, lead leaches into the air. …

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After initial Hype and amid Cyber Warfare threat, Network Centric Warfare approach is now being adopted realistically in various Militaries

As the 21st Century battlefield becomes increasingly complex and asymmetrical, military forces are striving to harness network technology to gain an operational advantage, by transforming traditional linear command structures and linking sensors, unmanned vehicles, command posts and ground troops to achieve decision superiority for full spectrum dominance.   Network Centric …

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