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Monthly Archives: December 2018

Across all companies insider Cyber threats are on the rise, New breakthrough technologies being developed to combat them

CERT Insider Threat Center, a research arm of Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI). They have defined an insider threat as: …the potential for individuals who have or had authorized access to an organization’s assets to use their access, either maliciously or unintentionally, to act in a way that could …

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Telecoms are suffering more attacks than any other sector, Telcos Managing cyber security risks

Telecoms companies, their core infrastructure and the large volumes of personal data they hold on subscribers, all represent an attractive target for malicious actors. Telecoms have suffered more attacks than any other surveyed. Telecoms organisations admitted to having faced four attacks on average over the last twelve months, according latest …

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USAF develops Joint cyber operations platform for the execution of full-spectrum cyberspace operations from the operational through tactical levels of warfare

Developing and delivering air superiority for the highly contested environment in 2030 requires a multi-domain focus on capabilities and capacity, according to the unclassified version of the Air Superiority 2030 Flight Plan.  “After 25 years of being the only great power out there, we’re returning to a world of great …

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Researchers developing Full duplex technology to double the cellular capacity and alleviate the spectrum crunch for civil and military

Mobile subscribers are growing rapidly, by 2020, around three-fifths of the global population or 4.6 billion users will have a mobile subscription.  In the future billions of machines will use mobile networks to connect with each other. All of these causes is leading to tremendous increase in data traffic. Mobile operators …

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DARPA CRAFT program aims for fast-track circuit-design of affordable, low power military electronic circuits

Demand for specialized integrated circuits for military electronics continues to surge exponentially with no end in sight. Systems that synchronize the activity of unmanned aerial vehicles; real-time conversion of raw radar data into tactically useful 3-D imagery; and instant access to high-resolution sensor feeds on the battlefield are only three …

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Navies developing next generation multi-role guided missile destroyers with large firepower and cutting edge sensors

A guided-missile destroyer is a destroyer designed to launch guided missiles. Many are also equipped to carry out anti-submarine, anti-air, and anti-surface operations. Defencyclopedia defines a destroyer as “A modern destroyer is a 6000-12,000-ton warship, equipped with an array of long-range missiles, guns, and high power radars, and is designed …

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DARPA’s INTERCEPT developing adaptive medical countermeasures to protect soldiers from viral diseases like Zika & Ebola.

The viral diseases like Zika. Ebola. Dengue. Influenza. Chikungunya pose serious health threats to U.S. troops, as well as to civilian populations in the United States and around the world, says DARPA. Vaccines exist for but a few of these infectious diseases. And since these viruses have an uncanny ability …

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US DOD’s Enhanced Polar System to provide secure, jam-resistant, strategic and tactical communications to military in Arctic Region

US DOD’s Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite (AEHF) is a joint service satellite communications system that provides global, survivable, secure, protected, and jam-resistant communications for high priority military ground, sea, and air assets. The AEHF system provides joint, interoperable, assured connectivity for warfighters in operations in all levels of conflict–a …

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DARPA Causal Exploration of Complex Operational Environments developing modelling and exploration tools for hybrid Warfare

Over the last 15 years, the U.S. military has increasingly been called upon to face complex operational environments (OE) and diverse enemies. The modern hybrid or irregular conflicts are dominated by complex human dynamics with intertwining political, territorial, economic, ethnic, and/or religious tensions. DARPA explains, “The US military increasingly operates in …

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Countries developing Network Centric or Distributed EW concepts for Modern Congested & A2/AD RF Environment

The adversaries are fielding increasingly sophisticated networked and agile systems, RF sensing and communications systems, including short-range tactical communications, long-range command and control (C2) communications networks, networked defensive systems, and RF seekers. This is partly due to rising commercial investments in RF materials, components, and subsystems thereby reducing the cost …

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