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Nanotechnology emerging as key enabler for 5G

The global race is now on to develop 5G, short for 5th generation mobile networking or 5th generation wireless systems which will change the face of the mobile communication . The Fifth Generation (5G) mobile networks will see the initial deployment in 2020, promise  fast Internet for everyone, smart cities, driverless cars, critical health care, “internet of things” revolution, and reliable and secure communications for critical infrastructures and services.


Cell phones enhanced with the carbon nanotube will be introduced soon which comes under the nanotechnology. In
5G Nanocore these mobile are referred as NanoEquipment as they are geared up with nanotechnology. The nano equipment in the 5G nano core is the mobile phone itself as they are geared up with the nanotechnology.
Wireless industry mainly aims at the implementation of the intelligence which will ensure that the computation and
communication are available as desired. The introduction of intelligence in the mobile devices will help in embedding the devices in the human environments that can create a new platform which will enable the ubiquitous sensing, computing and communication. The nano equipments will be loaded with some of the core features like self-cleaning, selfpowered, sensible to the environment with which it is been interacting, flexible and also transparent.


Another nanotechnology innovation is the introduction of the Graphene’s transistor is the milestone to be achieved. A transistor which is been built using the new material by name Graphene, mainly consists of a form of graphite that consists of a single layer of carbon atoms which has been arranged in the form of honeycomb pattern. The particular structure will help the electrons to travel through it very quickly and gives greater efficiency than the commonly existing transceiver chip material. The latest achieved frequency by the Graphene’s transistor is 26GHz which is miles away from the current technology standards.


5G Connected Smart Bandages To Monitor Wounds

The University of Swansea is to test 5G-powered bandages that can feed sensor data on wound conditions back to doctors in real time within the next 12 months. The smart bandages include nanosensors that can detect complications such as blood clots or infections.


The programme would also collect data on patients via their smartphones, which could be configured to monitor other factors that may affect the healing process, including the patient’s activity levels and diet, the university said.


“You combine all of that intelligence so the clinician knows the performance of the specific wound at any specific time and can then tailor the treatment protocol to the individual and wound in question,” Prof Marc Clement, chairman of the university’s Institute of Life Science (ILS), told the BBC.


3D printing techniques mean the 5G-connected smart sensors can be produced at a cost that’s affordable to the health service, Clement said. “This is a multi-technology approach, with nanotechnology, nanoelectronics, printing and coating biochemistry all interconnecting through 5G infrastructure to allow us tomorrow and in the future to deliver health care for a wound patient that delivers better patient outcomes and better quality of life,” he stated



Army project may improve military communications by boosting 5G technology

An Army-funded project may boost 5G and mm-Wave technologies, improving military communications and sensing equipment.Carbonics, Inc., partnered with the University of Southern California to develop a carbon nanotube technology that, for the first time, achieved speeds exceeding 100GHz in radio frequency applications. The milestone eclipses the performance — and efficiency — of traditional Radio Frequency Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, known as RF-CMOS technology, that is ubiquitous in modern consumer electronics, including cell phones.


“This milestone shows that carbon nanotubes, long thought to be a promising communications chip technology, can deliver,” said Dr. Joe Qiu, program manager, solid state and electromagnetics at the Army Research Office. “The next step is scaling this technology, proving that it can work in high-volume manufacturing. Ultimately, this technology could help the Army meet its needs in communications, radar, electronic warfare and other sensing applications.”

The research was published in the journal Nature Electronics.



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About Rajesh Uppal

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