The emerging billions of Internet of Things will need to connect billions of devices deployed in the physical world (the so-called “edge” of IoT) to the cloud, bringing real-world data and analytics to operations. …a challenge with current solutions. Much of the Internet of Things (IoT) is mobile, and sensors …
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September, 2020
9 September
Military “Internet of Things” require Robust Communication and Network technologies
There is great potential for IoT technologies to revolutionize modern warfare, leveraging data and automation to deliver greater lethality and survivability to the warfighter while reducing cost and increasing efficiency. Analogous to IoT, Military internet of things (MIOT) comprising multitude of platforms, ranging from ships to aircraft to ground vehicles …
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8 September
New Materials enhance Artificial Photosynthesis to produce Clean Air, and Renewable Energy using more efficient and cheaper methods
Energy is the fuel for growth and life. Despite centuries of over-reliance on fossil-based energy sources with devastating effects on the planet, more environmentally friendly and renewable options keep emerging as suitable alternatives. Hydrogen generation by water splitting has long attracted attention due to its zero-emission advantage. Each water …
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8 September
DARPA BETR plans a bioelectronic interface for Intelligent Healing for Soldier’s wounds through dynamic, adaptive, and precise human therapies
Nowhere is prompt and effective medical treatment more important than on the battlefield, where injuries are severe and conditions dangerous. Soldiers are vulnerable to many injuries on the battlefield, the most common combat wounds include: Blast wounds caused by landmines, grenades, IEDs (improvised explosive devices), and suicide bombings where the …
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6 September
Artificial Photosynthesis breakthroughs promise a new renewable energy source to tackle climate crisis
Since ages the natural photosynthesis has sustained human civilization by providing food, fuel and the life sustaining environment, which is now threatened by the twin challenges of energy security and global warming. Researchers all over the world have turned to artificial photosynthesis for future sustainable life on this planet. Artificial …
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5 September
Under Electronic warfare Cyber threat, Militaries developing secure, anti-jam mobile, and high-bandwidth Military Satellite Communications anywhere in the world
A communications satellite is an artificial satellite that relays and amplifies radio telecommunications signals via a transponder; it creates a communication channel between a source transmitter and a receiver at different locations on Earth. Satellite communications networks servicing large number of users comrise of user terminals, satellites and a ground …
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5 September
China militarizing deep-ocean as another domain of warfare by building deep sea Naval base in South China Sea and deep sea “space station.”
Like the British Royal Navy more than a century before it, the U.S. Navy has a command of the sea that affords the United States unrivaled international influence. By its use of the sea, which covers nearly three-quarters of the earth, a navy can do things that land-based forces cannot. …
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2 September
Adressing the Super-EMP and other Electromagnetic Weapon threat through technologies and countermeasures
The electromagnetic pulse commonly abbreviated as EMP, is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles, can be produced by intense solar storms or by a nuclear weapon detonated high in the atmosphere. For example, solar geomagnetic storms (geomagnetic disturbances or GMD) create immediate …
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August, 2020
30 August
DARPA’s Invisible Headlights program developing passive Infrared technologies for military autonomous systems to navigate in pitch dark and caves
A new programme from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) aims to address a key weakness of autonomous and semi-autonomous land systems: the need for active illumination to navigate in low-light conditions. Accurate position and attitude information of the vehicle as well as the ability to detection static …
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29 August
New food technologies to enhance soldier perfomance for success in military operations.
With nutritional status being central to success in battle, food technology has long been considered an enabler for military operations. Food technology has been instrumental in ensuring that troops remain “fit to fight”. Early military leaders realised that how well their men were fed played a crucial role in success …
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