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US Navy’s NTCDL Network for sharing real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data from surface, air, sub-surface, and man-portable systems

US Navy’s Network Tactical Common Data Link (NTCDL) Program  provides the ability to transmit/receive real-time Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) data simultaneously from multiple sources (surface, air, sub-surface, man-portable), and exchange command and control information (voice, data, imagery, and Full Motion Video (FMV)) across dissimilar Joint, Service, Coalition, and civil …

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Smart guns and other technologies need urgent commercialization to avoid blood of innocent children

In Feb 2018, a horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people . Nikolas Cruz, 19, told police he was responsible for the shooting and added that he hid extra ammunition in his backpack and shot students in the hallways and on school grounds, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel …

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DARPA seeks autonomous technologies for disaggregated Space architecture for space security

The space is increasing becoming another domain of conflict due to enhanced militarization along with proliferation of counter space weapons like electronic warfare, anti-satellite weapons, and DEW weapons.   “Our space assets have come under risk, however, due to activities of adversaries to degrade, deny, or disrupt our ability to …

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Metamaterials based optical cloaks that promise invisible planes, vehicles and armies, and protection from earthquakes & tsunamis

“Invisibility” is a goal that has been long sought after by the  Militaries. An operational cloaking chip could be an extension of technologies such as radar-absorbing dark paint used on stealth aircraft, local optical camouflage, surface cooling to minimize electromagnetic IR emissions, or electromagnetic wave scattering. Metamaterials are the primary materials  …

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US Navy’s High altitude, Long endurance (HALE) UAV TRINTON to provide persistent ISR and Signal Intelligence capability in Pacific Theater

The U.S. Navy Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton long-range maritime patrol unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) became operational in 2018, yet the unmanned aircraft continue to evolve with upgrades and add capabilities that include signals intelligence (SIGINT) and sense-and-avoid radar.   The MQ-4C Triton Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), is a high altitude, …

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Army plans Laser Directed Energy Weapons to be deployed on Military trucks

Laser weapons use high power lasers to  damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel. The technology provides major advantages for military applications due to High precision and rapid on-target effect, precise and scalable effects, Avoidance of collateral damage caused by fragmenting ammunition, Low logistics overhead and minimum costs per …

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Military looking to 4D printing to develop weapons that assemble themselves, last longer and adapt to specific conditions on command.

3D printing or additive manufacturing is ongoing revolution in manufacturing with its potential to fabricate any complex object and is being utilized from printing small components to full drones on Naval vessels, printing replacement parts for fighter aircrafts to printing ammunitions, textiles, metals, human organs, clothing, buildings and even food. …

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Challenges in humanitarian aid and disaster relief (HADR) missions and Operations and Technology requirements

International reinsurer Munich RE has projected that worldwide losses due to 2017’s string of natural disasters will reach $330 billion, with only $135 billion of those costs insured. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria alone, which left behind $215 billion in damages, made 2017 the costliest hurricane season on record. This year’s …

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DARPA’s Biostastis aims to enhance soldier survivability after battlespace injuries by slowing their biological clock

Biostasis is the ability of an organism to tolerate environmental changes without having to actively adapt to them. The word is also used as a synonym for cryostasis or cryonics. It is found in organisms that live in habitats that may encounter unfavourable living conditions (i.e. drought, freezing, a change …

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DARPA’s Ground Truth program will create war game for testing the validity of social science models

The social sciences can play important roles in assisting military planners and decision-makers who are trying to understand complex human social behaviors and systems, potentially facilitating a wide range of missions including humanitarian, stability, and counter-insurgency operations.   Current social science approaches to studying behavior rely on a variety of …

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