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DARPA RSPACE Autonomous and Resilient command and control for Air Mission Planning under contested environment

Air Force officers in charge of creating air tasking orders have long developed mission plans at air operations centers, known as AOCs, or centralized hubs in a specific command. In future conflicts U.S. forces may face degradation or denial of critical communications capabilities essential for coordination and shared situation understanding. …

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Cyber risks of Video-conferencing apps like Zoom, popular with professionals working from home globally

Video conferencing apps like Zoom have become popular with professionals working from home globally, who are using it for virtual meetings, presentations and calls.  Millions of people have turned to the app as they work and study from home amid the global lockdown. In India too it had become the …

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Predicting, eliminating and mitigating the impact of increasing disease outbreaks due to pandemics such as dengue and zika are national security priorities

From Ebola outbreak in West Africa to the most recently, the rapid spread of Zika has shown that even with all advances in modern medicine we are still not completely safe from pandemics. These  epidemic of infectious diseases  can spread quickly through human populations across a large region several continents, …

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