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US adding space-based computing and analytic capabilities to Space Sensors for Ballistic and Hypersonic missile defence

US, Russia and China are in race for Hypersonic Weapons that shall provide prompt global strike capability.  Russia’s Avangard hypersonic missile system became operational in Dec 2019, defence minister Sergey Shoygu has said. The intercontinental weapon can fly 27 times the speed of sound and, unlike a regular missile warhead, …

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Military developing Free Space Optical(FSO) or Laser communications for ultrafast secure communications that are harder to detect and disrupt

Free Space Optical or Laser communications is creating a new communications revolution, that by using visible and infrared light instead of radio waves for data transmission  is providing  large bandwidth, high data rate, license free spectrum, easy and quick deployability,  low mass and  less power requirement. It also offers low …

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DARPA’s SHIELD developed technologies for secure reliable authentication for ICs subject to hardware Trojans, cloning, counterfeit or recycling in Military systems that pose critical National Security Risk

Outsourcing of integrated circuit (IC) and printed circuit board (PCB) design, fabrication, packaging, and testing have dramatically reduced the time and cost of product development. In doing so, this has enabled the widespread availability of microelectronics, which has indeed transformed modern life. However, unintended consequences include malicious design alteration (i.e., …

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