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Indo-Pacific Feuds are leading to competition in Submarines and Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Capability

Indo-Pacific today is evolving into a significant frontier in the international arena, with an unstable geopolitical equilibrium for sea dominance due to China’s expansionist plans.   South China and Asian Feuds are fuelling the race among nations to acquire Submarines and Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Capability. The territorial disputes among …

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High Frequency Surface Wave Radars (HFSWR) for Ship detection and tracking far beyond the horizon

In recent years organized crime in maritime regions has flourished, threatening both secure flow of goods from Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)  and lives of participants in the marine operations. Security threats and humanitarian risks caused by trafficking (drugs, weapons, etc.), irregular transport of migrants, maritime terrorism or even piracy are …

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Synthetic Biology is the core science for future Defence Technology, according to DARPA

Synthetic biology is the application of science, technology and engineering to facilitate and accelerate the design, manufacture and/or modification of genetic materials in living organisms, as defined by the  European Commission. It envisions the redesign of natural biological systems for greater efficiency, as well as create new organisms as well as …

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