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Vehicle Manufacturing trends

Vehicle manufacturing has come a long way since 1908 when Henry Ford began production of the Model T automobile using a mass production assembly line.

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DARPA Ouija employing very low- Earth orbit (VLEO) satellite sensors to predict military high-frequency (HF) radio communications

Whether in the field of battle, search-and-rescue or humanitarian aid efforts, the ability to share real-time, networked information between ground, sea and airborne forces is rapidly becoming the defining factor in a mission’s success. However modern  satellite and other  communications systems in higher frequecies are under constant threat from adversaries …

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DARPA ALIAS fly-by-wire kit turns commercial Helicopters and Aircrafts into Unmanned Drones with autonomous landing

Military aircraft today have evolved over a period of decades to have ever more automated capabilities, improving mission success and safety. At the same time, these aircraft still present challenging and complex interfaces to operators, and despite demanding training regimens, operators can experience extreme workload during emergencies and other unexpected …

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