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Growing threat to military bases, require ‘Smart Base’ capabilities, concepts and technologies

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) maintains installations worldwide; worth over $1.2 trillion and critical to U.S. national security. Physical changes to the environment such as flooding, drought, and extreme storms disrupt U.S. military capabilities and facilities, including training ranges, bases, and housing. A 2019 DoD assessment found that out …

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Japan thrusts on indigenous Defense capability and defense cooperation amid security threat from China and North Korea

Japan has replaced North Korea with China as the top security threat to the country, citing Beijing’s growing defense expenditure and strength as well as its expansion of military activities in the region. “The reality is that China is rapidly increasing military spending, and so people can grasp that we need …

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Growing China Pakistan security and military nexus threat to national security of India, and United States

2021 marked 70 years of Pak-China’s diplomatic relations. China–Pakistan share a close strategic partnership since 1950s. The 1962 Sino-India War strengthened the relationship and, in 1963, Pakistan agreed to cede part of Kashmir to China, 5,180 Sq. Km of land in Karakoram region of north Kashmir. In return, China began …

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Hyper-intelligent systems and Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs) are gravest risk to mankind

Robotics has made significant progress, since its first deployment as an industrial robot more than 50 years ago. Robots are now days being used extensively in manufacturing, services, healthcare/medical, defense, and space. They have enhanced safety of humans from dangerous tasks, improved the productivity and the quality of life. In …

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Climate change affects military operations and degrades soldier and military effectiveness

Temperatures have been rising across the globe since the 1950s. This trend is expected to continue and temperatures are predicted to increase by 2.3–3.5°C by 2100. Floods, heavy rainfall, droughts, heatwaves, storms, hurricanes and other extreme weather events are also likely to become more frequent in the future. A study …

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Global air pollution threat requires IoT-based Air quality monitoring solutions

Atmospheric conditions continue to deteriorate each year due to the growth of civilization and increasing unclean emissions from industries and automobiles. Although air is an indispensable resource for life, many people are indifferent to the severity of air pollution or have only recently recognized the problem.   According to the …

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Green Energetic Materials and Munitions technologies with enhanced environmental and occupational safety

Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations.   In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform …

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CBRN Defense Industry and market

The threats of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) hazards continue to advance. According to the University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database, there were a total of 143 attacks – 35 biological, 95 chemical, and 13 radiological – using CBRN weapons across the world from 1970 to 2014. The …

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Civil Rights protection on Social Media through Human rights-based AI/Machine Learning

Security is the state of being free from threat. To mitigate the threat, we require technology. The technology uses scientific knowledge in the form of new processes, materials, devices, systems or tools. For all of us, most important is human security which means freedom from threats to our lives, safety and …

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DARPA grant to Penn State for modelling disruptions to the U.S. financial system

Financial markets refer broadly to any marketplace where the trading of securities occurs, including the stock market, bond market, forex market, and derivatives market, among others. Financial markets are vital to the smooth operation of capitalist economies. When financial markets fail, economic disruption including recession and unemployment can result.   …

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