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Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials

Construction and demolition (C&D) materials are generated when new building and civil-engineering structures are built and when existing buildings and civil-engineering structures are renovated or demolished (including deconstruction activities). Civil-engineering structures include public works projects, such as streets and highways, bridges, utility plants, piers, and dams.   C&D materials often …

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DARPA INCAS will exploit social media, messaging & blog data to track geopolitical influence campaigns

With billions of people around the world accessing platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram, to name a few, social media has become a powerful force for political and cultural change, and a force that is more than capable of influencing global geopolitics. In the past three years alone, …

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DARPA advances Microwave Photonics for RF signal processing and radars

The military/defense industry continues to encourage the advancement of multifunctional receivers. Yet the demands for higher-frequency operation, increased bandwidth, increased dynamic range, and enhanced sensitivity creates unique design challenges for present technology. Size, weight, power, and cost (SWAP-C) dynamics heavily influence the military/defense industry’s value for a particular technology.   …

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Self-healing materials for military for armor system providing blast and ballistic protection

Generally, materials will degrade over time due to fatigue, environmental conditions, or damage incurred during operation. Repair of certain materials during their lifecycle (especially those with structural functions such as concrete) can be very expensive and labour intensive.  Therefore Scientists began developing self-healing materials ,  those artificial (synthetic) substances that …

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Artificial Intelligence(AI) enabling prediction and prevention of terrorist attacks

One of the most important threats to today’s civilization is terrorism, which has affected the quality of lives of people in the whole world. Terrorism is defined as the use of intentional indiscriminate and illegal power and violence for creating terror amongst the general population in order to gain some …

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Flash Lidars have applications from Situational awareness, collision avoidance to improved battlefield visualization, line-of-sight analysis and urban warfare planning.

LIDARs are rapidly gaining maturity as very capable sensors for a number of applications such as imaging through clouds, vegetation and camouflage, 3D mapping and terrain visualization, meteorology, navigation, and obstacle avoidance for robotics as well as weapon guidance. LIDAR data is both high-resolution and high-accuracy, enabling improved battlefield visualization, …

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China emerging as new Quantum leader after series of breakthroughs driven by Industry

In 2016, President Xi Jinping established a national strategy for China to become technologically self-reliant. One of China’s main goals is to surpass the United States and to become the global high-tech leader.   China named quantum informatics a key plank in its 13th Five-Year Plan and the Made in …

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Quantum technologies Standardization essential for their growth and innovation

The Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) market will grow to over $980 million by 2024 compared to around $85 million this year. So says the industry analyst firm, Inside Quantum Technology, in its latest report “Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Markets: 2019 to 2028.”   Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a major …

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Military Sensors trends and technologies promise complete situational awareness under all weather, day/night, through natural and man-made obstructions

A Sensor is an electronic device that is used to measure some sort of physical parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure, light intensity, etc). The output of an electronic sensor is an electrical signal that is either analog or digital. Processing the sensor’s output can be done in hardware (using discrete electronic …

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Global advanced functional and multifunctional materials market

Smart materials or Active materials or Functional materials are designed materials that have diverse, dynamic features that enable them to adapt to the environment. They have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, the stimulus and response may be mechanical, electrical, …

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