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DARPA NOM4D for Robust on-orbit or in-Space Manufacturing by building large structures on orbit and moon

There is global space race among countries to build Moon bases, harness it’s mineral resources and helium-3, fuel for future nuclear fusion power plants. Space agencies in China, Japan, Europe, Russia, Iran , Canada and a few private companies all hope to send people to the moon by as early …

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Modified Agile for Hardware Development (MAHD) Framework

Scrum is one of the most widely-used flavors of Agile, mostly applied to software development projects. It starts with describing the customer experience through user stories. Teams work on high-priority user stories in rapid cycles called sprints, deliver working software that is validated by users, and incorporate feedback quickly into …

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Work-breakdown structure (WBS)

A work-breakdown structure (WBS) in project management and systems engineering, is a deliverable-oriented breakdown of a project into smaller components. A work breakdown structure is a key project deliverable that organizes the team’s work into manageable sections phases, deliverables and work packages. The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK 5) defines …

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Project Statement of Work (SOW) in Aerospace projects

Developing a needs or requirements document can be a very complex and challenging task. Requirements documents include statements of work, standards, specifications, and other documents mandated for use by law. The primary function of the SOW is to specify the deliverable or deliverables that a vendor or internal department is …

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Microwave and mmWave Engineering design and analysis (EDA) tools for aerospace/defense communications, and automotive applications

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band have attractive characteristics. One of their features is the wider usable frequency band compared with waves in the microwave …

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System integration

System integration is defined in engineering as the process of bringing together the component sub-systems into one system (an aggregation of subsystems cooperating so that the system is able to deliver the overarching functionality) and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system.   With regards to software solutions, …

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Continuous Manufacturing technology for “pharmacy on demand,”

The manufacturing of pharmaceuticals has lagged behind the research and development of new therapeutics. The same batch processes that were used over a century ago are still being used today, while other industries have moved forward with automated and continuous operations (eg, fine chemical, oil, gas, and food industries)   …

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Missile manufacturing

In military terminology,  a missile is a guided airborne ranged weapon capable of self-propelled flight usually by a jet engine or rocket motor. Missiles have five system components: targeting, guidance system, flight system, engine, and warhead. Missiles come in types adapted for different purposes: surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles (ballistic, cruise, …

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DARPA RCM building Resilience into Chemical Manufacturing from supply chain disruptions.

The United States relies on chemical manufacturing to provide products ranging from everyday consumer goods (plastics, fabrics, adhesives, paints) to cutting edge technologies (medicines, electronic materials), industrial goods (dyes, pesticides) and military supplies (fuels, explosives). While many high-volume, petroleum-derived chemical feedstocks are produced domestically, much of the fine chemical manufacturing …

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Artificial intelligence (AI) and additive manufacturing (AM) are both disruptive new technologies. AI has entered many aspects of our lives, but has not been fully realized in the world of AM. Because of the vast amount of data and the digital nature of the technology, AM offers tremendous opportunities in …

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