DARPA Causal Exploration of Complex Operational Environments developing modelling and exploration tools for hybrid Warfare

Over the last 15 years, the U.S. military has increasingly been called upon to face complex operational environments (OE) and diverse enemies. The modern hybrid or irregular conflicts are dominated by complex human dynamics with intertwining political, territorial, economic, ethnic, and/or religious tensions. DARPA explains, “The US military increasingly operates in …

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DARPA MRC developed resilient cloud services that would continue to operate and support military objectives despite being hit by a cyberattack

Cloud computing has burst recently into technology and business scene promising great technical and economic advantages, like offering On-demand provisioning of computer services, improved flexibility and scalability as well as reducing costs. Another attractive point of the cloud is its ability to enable a mobile workforce, which brings enhanced flexibility …

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DARPA SECTR developing cost-effective seekers for PGMs that will identify and engage moving targets in a contested environment

Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs), and other so-called “smart” weapons, have established themselves as a key military technology against targets whose destruction requires a high degree of precision. PGMs may include Bomb or missile that can be aimed and directed against a single/multi targets, relying on external guidance or its own …

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U.S., Britain blame Russia for global cyber attack targeting Network Infrastructure Devices

The United States and Britain in 2018 accused Russia of launching cyber attacks on computer routers, firewalls and other networking equipment used by government agencies, businesses and critical infrastructure operators around the globe. Network infrastructure consists of interconnected devices designed to transport communications needed for data, applications, services, and multi-media. Routers …

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DARPA’s Lagrange developing optimization algorithms for uncertain, dynamic, multiscale settings like Real time neuroimaging data

Mathematical optimization is a branch of applied mathematics that in the broadest senselooks for best solution with regard to some criterion from some set of available alternatives. The advent of the digital computer and a tremendous subsequent increase in our computational prowess has increased the impact of optimization in our …

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DARPA’s SD2 developing tools to design complex systems like synthetic biology, neuro-computation and polymer chemistry

Engineers regularly use high-fidelity simulations to create robust designs in complex domains such as aeronautics, automobiles, and integrated circuits. In contrast, robust design remains elusive in domains such as synthetic biology, neuro-computation, and polymer chemistry due to the lack of high-fidelity models. DARPA’s Synergistic Discovery and Design (SD2) program aims …

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Researchers employing Simulation and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) to accelerate the development of new materials

Finding new materials has traditionally been guided by intuition and trial and error,” said Turab Lookman, a physicist and materials scientist in the Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. “But with increasing chemical complexity, the combination possibilities become too large for trial-and-error approaches …

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DARPA CHESS Program plans for human intellect teamed with autonomous technology for cyber defense

The Department of Defense (DoD) maintains information systems that depend on Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) software, and Free and opensource (FOSS) software. Securing this diverse technology base requires highly skilled hackers who reason about the functionality of software and identify novel vulnerabilities. This process requires hundreds or thousands of hours of …

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US Regains TOP500 Crown with Summit Supercomputer, China gradually increasing its lead over other countries in Supercomputer race

A supercomputer is a computer with a high level of computing performance compared to a general-purpose computer. Performance of a supercomputer is measured in floating-point operations per second (FLOPS) instead of million instructions per second (MIPS). There are supercomputers which can perform up to nearly a hundred quadrillions of FLOPS, …

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Quantum radio may enable receivers with weakest radio signals and mapping in locations where GPS and ordinary cellphones and radios don’t work

Quantum sensing has become a distinct and rapidly growing branch of research within the area of quantum science and technology, with the most common platforms being spin qubits, trapped ions and flux qubits. Quantum sensors are measuring device that takes advantage of quantum correlations, such as states in a quantum …

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