DARPA SAVaNT employing atomic vapors to develop Quantum Sensors at Room Temperature

We are in midst of the second quantum revolution moving from merely computing quantum properties of systems to exploiting them. Researchers are developing new capabilities in secure communication, ultra-sensitive and high signal-to-noise physical sensing of the environment and Quantum Information Science (QIS).   Yet many scientists believe that quantum will …

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AFRL’s Golden Horde program—developing networked, collaborative, autonomous (NCA) systems like swarming drones or “fire and forget” weapons

Current weapons generally fly a pre-designated mission. If the enemy does something unexpected, preprogrammed weapons are ineffective, and additional weapons may be required to complete the mission. Networked, collaborative and semi-autonomous weapons are advantageous since they observe and react to the enemy in real time, helping weapons overcome adversary defenses …

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DARPA TRIAD to apply AI/ML to phased array antennas for Military Wireless communications and radar systems

The demands on Wireless communications and radar systems have been continuingly increasing as the need for accuracy, efficiency, and more advanced metrics become increasingly important.  Many new applications will only be possible with antennas that consume less power in a lower profile than traditional mechanically steered dish antennas. These requirements …

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Hardware-in-the-loop simulation

Modeling and simulation (M&S) is the use of models as a basis for simulations to develop data utilized for managerial or technical decision making. Modeling is the process of representing a model (e.g., physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process) which includes its construction and …

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Militaries develop AI and machine learning enabled cognitive communications, Intelligence gathering and electronic warfare systems

Electronic warfare (EW) is one of the crucial aspects of modern warfare. EW receivers are passive systems that receive emission from various platforms that operate in the relative vicinity. The received signals are typically analyzed to obtain valuable information about characteristics and intentions of various elements that are presented in …

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AR/VR Chip Market

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Unlike traditional user interfaces like  viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds.  Applications of …

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Worldwide Race to 4th industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 between Germany, US , Japan, China and India, China extends it to aerospace and defence

The first industrial revolution began in the 18th century when the power of the steam engine was harnessed and manufacturing first became mechanized. The Second used electric power and the assembly line mass production using the conveyor belts. The Third used electronics,  memory-programmable controls, computers and information technology to automate …

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are enabling the future of fully automated Cyber Security

AI emulates human cognition – i.e. learning based on experience and patterns, rather than by inference (cause and effect). Artificial intelligence covers everything from machine learning to business intelligence. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that refers to technologies that enable computers to learn and adapt through …

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Holographic data memory can store 1 terabyte (TB) of data in a sugar-cube-sized crystal.

Photography measures how much light of different color hits the photographic film. However, light is also a wave, and is therefore characterized by the phase. Phase specifies the position of a point within the wave cycle and correlates to depth of information, meaning that recording the phase of light scattered …

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DOD looks to secure Content delivery Network (CDN) services to stream its mission-critical and sensitive information

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of web servers or Points of Presence (PoP) whose purpose is to provide faster content delivery. The content is replicated and stored throughout the CDN so the user can access the data that is stored at a location that is …

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