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DevSecOps for quick delivery of mission-critical capabilities

As the speed and frequency of releases increase, traditional application security teams cannot keep up with the pace of releases to ensure each release is secure. To address this, organizations need to build in security continuously across the SDLC so that DevOps teams can deliver secure applications with speed and …

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DevOps running on Kubernetes, and Containers, is the Future of Software

DevOps is a software engineering culture and practice that aims at unifying software development (Dev) and software operation (Ops) and removing the traditional barriers between the two.  DevOps is an ideology comprising three pillars—organizational culture, process, and technology and tools—to help development and IT operations teams work collaboratively to build, test, …

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Tethered Drones or UAS, Hovering platforms, and Towed parafoil system provide long range Communications and Surveillance for Combatting terrorism

Militaries have long recognized the  advantages of height for surveillance platforms to overcome the Horizon limitations because of curvature of earth, therefore it has been using many such platforms like baloons, and aerostats. Security forces have also found that countering today’s asymmetric threats, which can occur at any time and …

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DARPA ARCOS program developing Automated Rapid Software Certification tools for Military Systems, Platforms

Military systems are increasingly using software to support functionality, new capabilities, and beyond. Before a new piece of software can be deployed within a system however, its functional safety and compliance with certain standards must be verified and ultimately receive certification. As the rapid rate of software usage continues to …

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DARPA JAWS developing all-domain battlespace awareness and battle management planning software.

The future operating environment articulated by the NDS, the NDS Commission, and other sources describe how potential adversaries have developed sophisticated anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities. These capabilities include electronic warfare, cyber weapons, long-range missiles, and advanced air defenses. U.S. competitors have pursued A2/AD capabilities as a means of countering traditional …

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Industrial IIOT

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) refers to the extension and use of the internet of things (IoT) in industrial sectors and applications. Industrial IoT, or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is a vital element of Industry 4.0. IIoT harnesses the power of smart machines and real-time analysis to …

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DO-178B/C Airborne Software certification standard for safety critical software make flying safer

The growing demand for high-efficiency fighter aircraft, commercial airbuses and the ever-evolving Aerospace and Defense requirements are driving the demand for next-gen airborne electronics systems. Air transportation agencies and aviation OEMs across the globe have been striving to build next-generation Airborne electronics systems to make flying more reliable, predictable, and …

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Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for wireless communications

The first-generation (1G) cellular wireless mobile system were analog and were based on frequency-division-multiple access (FDMA) technology. The second boost for the cellular industry came from the introduction of the second-generation (2G) digital technology standards, including Global System for Mobile (GSM), IS-136 (Time Division Multiple Access, TDMA), and Personal Digital …

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Microwave and mmWave Engineering design and analysis (EDA) tools for aerospace/defense communications, and automotive applications

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band have attractive characteristics. One of their features is the wider usable frequency band compared with waves in the microwave …

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DARPA ACE developed Artificial Intelligence has defeated Human Lockheed F-16 Pilot In Virtual Dogfight, setting stage to autonmously handle future close-range air combats with pilot as mission commander

A dogfight, or dog fight, is an aerial battle between fighter aircraft, conducted at close range. Modern terminology for air-to-air combat is air combat maneuvering (ACM), which refers to tactical situations requiring the use of individual basic fighter maneuvers (BFM) to attack or evade one or more opponents. Fighter pilots …

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