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Energy & Propulsion

Global Military Ground Vehicle Propulsion System trends and Market

A military vehicle is a type of vehicle that includes all land combat and transportation vehicles, which are designed for or are significantly used by military forces. Many military vehicles have vehicle armour plate or off-road capabilities or both. A military truck is a vehicle designed to transport troops, fuel …

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Military Batteries need to be Lightweight, long-lasting, fast, field-rechargeable batteries, rugged and safety critical for mission success

Batteries are critical for military missions since mission success and soldiers’ lives often depend directly on a military battery’s performance.  “Batteries enable radio communication among combat squad members and field headquarters. They provide the power to obtain accurate location data essential for maneuver and combat air support. Laser range finders …

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Military electric land vehicles technology requirements and breakthroughs

The US Army is looking into the possibility of adding electric vehicle technology to its fleet of wheeled vehicles. The subject of a draft white-paper proposal by the Army Futures and Concepts Center (FCC), the hope is to simplify maintenance while reducing the logistical problems connected with fossil fuels.   …

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Lithium-ion Batteries powered Submarines, UUW and torpedoes have enhanced Stealth, endurance, speed and reliability

Batteries have been used on underwater applications for more than a century, for instance, lead-acid batteries have been used in conventionally powered submarines since the end of the 19th century. Since World War II, submarines have used lead acid batteries. Lead acid batteries are heavy, but they’re also a proven …

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Space propulsion moving to Hybrid chemical and electric propulsion system to power cubesats to Asteriod missions

The primary function of the space propulsion system is to provide thrust, which helps in the functioning of the launch vehicle or satellite. In propulsion systems, the fluid (either solid, liquid, or electric) reacts to initiate acceleration and provide force in the system.   An ion thruster is a form …

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Russia launches World’s first floating Nuclear Reactor, to power military forward operating bases, disputed islands and Arctic

Small modular reactors (SMRs) defined as nuclear reactors generally 300MWe equivalent or less. SMRs have generated global interest, and potential future applications are a subject of international research directives.  Their are around 50 different SMR designs worldwide according to the IAEA.  Project proposals include use of SMRs for desalination, process …

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Researchers develop ultra-thin, Ultra efficient solar cells through new new architectures , techniques, and materials

Worldwide growth of photovoltaics has been fitting an exponential curve for more than two decades. During this period of time, photovoltaics (PV), also known as solar PV, has evolved from a pure niche market of small scale applications towards becoming a mainstream electricity source. The Sun blankets the Earth with …

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Materials play critical role in Wind Turbine Blades running for long time without maintenance

Wind is a emerging as a reliable and inexpensive source of renewable energy. Globally, the average cost of wind is $83 per megawatt-hour compared to averages for coal and gas being $84 and $98 respectively. “In the USA, gas is slightly cheaper than wind but this is the only large …

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Heat-to-Power technology or thermoelectrics (TEs), pyroelectrics (PEs) to power future wearables, homes, vehicles, consumer and Military equipment

Many electrical and mechanical devices, such as car engines, produce heat as a byproduct of their normal operation. It’s called “waste heat,” and its existence is required by the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Heat-to-power technology is also other major opportunity to make use of any waste heat exiting through engine …

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Artificial Photosynthesis breakthroughs promise a new renewable energy source to tackle climate crisis

Since ages the natural photosynthesis has sustained human civilization by providing food, fuel and the life sustaining environment, which is now threatened by the twin challenges of energy security and global warming. Researchers all over the world have turned to artificial photosynthesis for future sustainable life on this planet.  Artificial …

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