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Energy & Propulsion

Aircraft propulsion system Market driven by demand for air travel and cargo, aircraft deliveries, and fuel efficiency

All Aircrafts depend on propulsion system is to produce thrust so as to lift the object for a prolonged period of time by consuming different fuels. Presently jet engines are the workhorses of airplanes carrying millions of people, trillions of miles every year, at supersonic speed and with high safety; …

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Multimode propulsion provides enhanced capabilities from Warships, and UAVs to spacecraft and space missions

Most spacecraft propulsion concepts can be classified into two categories: chemical and electric. Chemical propulsion relies on chemical reactions and can produce high thrust, but requires a large amount of fuel. Electric propulsion uses electromagnetic fields to accelerate ionized gases and is very fuel-efficient, but produces small amounts of thrust …

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US Military plans Battlefield Small Nuclear Reactors (SMR) for military bases and deployed troops

Energy is a critical enabling component of military operations and demand for it will continue to increase over time. In particular, energy usage during contingency operations will likely increase significantly over the next few decades. The modern operational space has amplified the need for alternative energy sources to enable mobility …

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DARPA Airborne Energy Well seeks laser propulsion on Aircrafts to power Rechargable Unmanned Aerial Systems

A laser is a device that emits a beam of coherent light through an optical amplification process. Laser propulsion is any method of propelling a spacecraft that uses the energy of laser beams.   There are two main types of laser propulsion, depending on whether the laser is onboard or …

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Dedicated launcher technology race for LEO microsatellites clusters

Global interest in nano and microsatellites (< 100kg) is increasing. The miniaturization of electronics, together with reliability and performance increase as well as reduction of cost, have allowed the use of commercials-off-the-shelf in the space industry, fostering the Smallsat use. Many nanosatellites (<10 kg) are used for educational purposes, and …

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Solar power during Nights

Increasing energy demand, environmental issues and limited availability of fossil fuels are demanding the research on sustainable and renewable energy resources. The sun is ultimate source to accomplish clean energy demand and photovoltaics, also known as solar PV, have been growing exponentially to harness it.   Solar radiation often called …

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DARPA MINT developing long-lasting and high-performance solid-state batteries that power everything in US DOD

Persistent battery power and anti-corrosion coatings are key to sustaining military operations. Batteries power everything from tactical radios and handheld devices to unmanned systems. Protective coatings shield flight surfaces, rotor blades, and ship hulls from corrosion caused by humidity, sand, and saltwater. A challenge to creating more persistent batteries and …

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US Military, the world’s largest polluter is implementing energy security strategy reducing future resource risk and increasing mission assurance

In the domain of defense, energy has the potential to be both an enabler of hard power but also, via denial, arguably itself to be a weapon of war. Energy enables nearly everything the military does, and the primary objective is mission assurance and decisive advantage on the battlefield.  Energy security …

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Green Energetic Materials and Munitions technologies with enhanced environmental and occupational safety

Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations.   In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform …

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Divert Attitude Control System (DACS) enable targetting highly maneuvering hypersonic missiles

Missiles are guided weapons designed to deliver a destructive payload to a target. They can be launched from various platforms, including aircraft, ships, and ground-based launchers. Some missiles are designed to hit stationary targets, while others are intended to engage moving targets, such as aircraft or cruise missiles.   One …

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