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Electronics & EW

Millimeter wave (mmWave) power amplifiers enable mmWave Radios for 5G and Satellite Communications

Millimeter waves are electromagnetic signals with frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 GHz that correspond to wavelengths of 10 to 1 mm in the free space. Electromagnetic waves in the millimeter-wave band  (with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, or wavelengths between 10 and 1.0 mm) have attractive characteristics. One of …

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DARPA RNDMC program developing Distributed Beamforming Antennas across air, ground, and sea assets, to provide long range tactical communication robust against failure or attack

DARPA, is proposing a new Mosaic Warfare strategy for evolving multidomain battlefield. Dr. Timothy Grayson, Director of the Strategic Technology Office is advocating for a “system of systems” approach that he’s calling mosaic warfare: the ability to piece together different systems to build new overarching warfighting capabilities.  DARPA’s Strategic Technology …

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DARPA Toolbox Initiative to Accelerate Technology Innovation by providing performers easy, low-cost, scalable access to state-of-the-art tools and intellectual property (IP)

As the world continues to change and advance at a rapid pace, the need for continuous innovation has never been greater. DARPA’s open innovation model leverages the expertise and novel ideation found in large and small businesses, government organizations, and academic institutions. However, resource constraints across these organizations can limit …

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New thermal Management technologies for Mission-Critical Military Ground, Sea, Air and Space systems

The performance of electronics degrades as temperature increases from the ambient temperature. The temperature of a device increases when the device is on since no system operates at 100% efficiency. Output power is not equal to the power fed to the device, and the difference between this is power loss. …

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Electronic thermal management materials (ETMM) ensure performance and reliability for Mission-Critical Military Ground, Sea, Air and Space systems

The past few decades have seen an escalation of power densities in electronic devices, and in particular in microprocessor chips. Together with the continuing trend of reduction in device dimensions this has led to dramatic increase in the thermal issues within electronic circuits. The electrons, in their passage through the …

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Holographic data memory can store 1 terabyte (TB) of data in a sugar-cube-sized crystal.

Photography measures how much light of different color hits the photographic film. However, light is also a wave, and is therefore characterized by the phase. Phase specifies the position of a point within the wave cycle and correlates to depth of information, meaning that recording the phase of light scattered …

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IoT Chips or IoT Modules and SoCs enabling Internet of Things revolution

The global IoT market is expected to reach a value of USD 1,386.06 billion by 2026 from USD 761.4 billion in 2020 at a CAGR of 10.53%, during the period 2021-2026. The internet of things technology helps in connecting various smart devices together to ease the operation and sharing of …

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Soft Material Enabled Soft Electronics for Medicine, Healthcare, and Human-Machine Interfaces

Since the development of the field effect transistor in 1920s, the electronics industry has focused on high speed and large capacity devices such as microprocessors and random access memories. However, the recent emergence of personalized and mobile electronics has diversified the research efforts from performance-oriented research to human-friendly topics. Conventional bulky …

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Optoelectronics technology trends and market

Optoelectronic technology is a new technology formed by the combination of photon technology and electronic technology. Optoelectronics is the field of technology concerned with electronic device application to the sourcing, detection and control of light. Optoelectronics is  described as “a device that responds to optical power, emits or modifies optical …

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Hydrophone and Hydrophone Array technology is enabler of Anti Submarine Warfare

A hydrophone is an underwater listening device, just as a microphone is used to detect sound in the air. Hydrophone detects sounds in the water and converts the acoustic energy into electrical energy by detecting changes in pressure in the surrounding environment. Hydrophones listen to sounds in the sea, but …

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