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Electronics & EW

Hydrophone and Hydrophone Array technology is enabler of Anti Submarine Warfare

A hydrophone is an underwater listening device, just as a microphone is used to detect sound in the air. Hydrophone detects sounds in the water and converts the acoustic energy into electrical energy by detecting changes in pressure in the surrounding environment. Hydrophones listen to sounds in the sea, but …

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Aircrafts & Drones are becoming increasingly important for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) missions

Three decades ago, only a handful of major powers had effective submarine capabilities but, today, fleets in operation around the world are growing rapidly. Emerging superpowers, like China, can add naval capacity equivalent to a European country’s in the space of a few years. The threat from submarines is serious …

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High Frequency Surface Wave Radars (HFSWR) for Ship detection and tracking far beyond the horizon

In recent years organized crime in maritime regions has flourished, threatening both secure flow of goods from Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)  and lives of participants in the marine operations. Security threats and humanitarian risks caused by trafficking (drugs, weapons, etc.), irregular transport of migrants, maritime terrorism or even piracy are …

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DARPA’s WARP developing wideband adaptive RF circuit technology to Protect Ultra-Wideband Military radios, radars and EW systems from Jamming

The military uses the electromagnetic spectrum — essential, yet invisible — to detect, deceive and disrupt the enemy while protecting friendly forces. As enemies become more capable and threats more complex, controlling the spectrum is increasingly critical. However, today’s electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is a scarce resource that is becoming increasingly …

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DARPA Ditto developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning based surrogate models to speed design of military systems

DoD is exploring opportunities to incorporate autonomy, AI, and human-machine teaming into its weapons and operations. Whether as data-mining tools for intelligence analysts, decision aids for planners, or enablers for autonomous vehicle operations, these systems have the potential to provide more accuracy, speed, and agility than traditional tools.  Yet operational …

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Drone, UAV or UAS Antenna, Requirements and market growth

An unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, refer to a vehicle that is able to fly remotely, either with some sort of controller or autonomously. An unmanned aircraft system, or UAS, includes not only the UAV, itself but also the person on the ground controlling the flight, as well as the …

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Nanotechnology enhanced Supercapacitors, including Graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) provide superfast battery charging in electric vehicles to wearable electronics

The rapid increase in global energy consumption and the environmental impact of traditional energy resources pose serious challenges to human health, energy security, and the environment; and reveal a growing need to develop new types of clean and sustainable energy solutions  such as electric vehicles with low exhaust emissions. However the …

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Race for faster, high performance System on Chip (SoC) for 5G, mobile computing, Smartphones, and IoT

A system on a chip or system on chip (SoC) is an integrated circuit (also known as a “chip”) that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system on a single circuit die. Similar to how a microcontroller integrates a microprocessor with peripheral circuits and memory, an SoC …

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New Generation Multi-function and Proximity Fuzes with enhanced performances to meet modern artillery requirements

Artillery ammunition is designed for use in guns, howitzers, and mortars. Size designations for artillery ammunition range from 37MM through 280MM. Artillery ammunition can be classified according to weapon system (gun, howitzer, mortar), filler composition (explosive or chemical), and military use (practice or service). The diameter, or interior, of a …

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Electronics packaging is the design and production of enclosures for electronic devices

Electronic packaging is the design and production of enclosures for electronic devices ranging from individual semiconductor devices up to complete systems such as a mainframe computer. Electronic packaging is the science of placing electronic devices and circuitry in protective enclosures and providing interconnections within and between different electronic devices.   …

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