US DOD’s Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite (AEHF) is a joint service satellite communications system that provides global, survivable, secure, protected, and jam-resistant communications for high priority military ground, sea, and air assets. The AEHF system provides joint, interoperable, assured connectivity for warfighters in operations in all levels of conflict–a …
Read More »New Technologies enabling Solar Powered Stratospheric drones for Global Internet, 5G wireless and Military Surveillance
Aerospace companies including Facebook, Boeing and Google have been trying for years to create a solar-powered plane that can fly at high altitudes for years at a time, and can provide broadband communication services. They could have many uses, for example acting as a relay station for communications in emergencies such …
Read More »DARPA seeks autonomous technologies for disaggregated Space architecture for space security
The space is increasing becoming another domain of conflict due to enhanced militarization along with proliferation of counter space weapons like electronic warfare, anti-satellite weapons, and DEW weapons. “Our space assets have come under risk, however, due to activities of adversaries to degrade, deny, or disrupt our ability to …
Read More »DARPA develops Testbed to test space warfare strategies integrated with air, cyber, land, and maritime domains
As the space domain has become more congested and militarized the potential for intentional and unintentional threats to space system assets has increased. To mitigate these threats, the Department of Defense (DOD) has undertaken a variety of initiatives to enhance its network of sensors and systems to provide space situational awareness …
Read More »US Army ‘Kestrel Eye’ Imagery Satellite provides on-demand imagery of any spot on earth to warfighter
U.S. Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command deployed and activated into space on Oct. 24, the Kestrel Eye microsatellite. Kestrel Eye is a 10 kg, 30.5×10.2×10.2 cm, visible-imagery satellite developed by Maryland Aerospace Inc designed to provide near real-time images to the tactical-level ground Soldier. Capable …
Read More »US DOD developing space surveillance, Rendezvous and Proximity Operations capability in geosynchronous orbit for space deterrence
The most important element of space is geosynchronous orbit, a circular orbit 22,300 miles above the planet where satellites appear to be stationary above the surface of the earth. British science fiction writer, futurist and inventor Arthur C. Clark mathematically determined the orbit in 1947, the general said. The …
Read More »NASA & Arx Pax to jointly develop Hover devices to control formation flight of Nano Satellites
In late 2014, the Internet was all abuzz over a video that purported to show a working hoverboard called Hendo hoverboard, sailing over a copper track—rider attached. Exploiting Arx Pax’s Magnetic Field Architecture (MFA) technology, the Hendo hoverboard uses electromagnetic energy—with two downward-firing disc-shaped “hover engines” creating an opposing magnetic …
Read More »SpaceX’s Spacecraft will land like a Helicopter
Elon Musk, chief executive officer of SpaceX, unveiled its spacecraft called Dragon V2 that is designed to fly from outer space to the earth and, like a helicopter, touch down safely on the ground.
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