Unmanned aerial vehicle technology is advancing rapidly, and drones are getting smaller by the day. Militaries are now employing Micro, Mini & Nano UAVs into their operations. They provide situational awareness to a small group of soldiers by flying several stories above them for 10-20 minutes at a time before …
Read More »Drone, UAV or UAS Antenna, Requirements and market growth
An unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, refer to a vehicle that is able to fly remotely, either with some sort of controller or autonomously. An unmanned aircraft system, or UAS, includes not only the UAV, itself but also the person on the ground controlling the flight, as well as the …
Read More »Militaries deploying unmanned tanks to strike drones, cruise missiles and ground targets and carry electronic warfare mission
Tank has been a mainstay of modern militaries, providing a unique capability of high lethality, protection and mobility. It’s heavy gun, can fire high explosive shells to destroy adversary’s tanks , it is heavily armored itself protecting crew from enemy fire and and it can move off roads since it …
Read More »Countries developing autonomous, Networked Swarms of Munitions or collaborative weapons
Current weapons generally fly a pre-designated mission. If the enemy does something unexpected, preprogrammed weapons are ineffective, and additional weapons may be required to complete the mission. Autonomous, Networked, and collaborative weapons are advantageous since they observe and react to the enemy in real time, helping weapons overcome adversary defenses …
Read More »New Small and Micro UAVs propulsion concepts and technologies to enable security forces to scout out buildings for urban combat and counter terrorist operations.
A miniature UAV or small UAV (SUAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle small enough to be man-portable. Miniature UAVs range from micro air vehicles (MAVs) that can be carried by an infantryman, to man-portable UAVs that can be carried and launched like an infantry man-portable air-defense system. The term is …
Read More »Rising employment of Remote controlled weapon station (RCWS), or Remote weapon station (RWS), and Remote-controlled firearms by Militarries and Terrorists
Remote controlled weapon station (RCWS), or Remote weapon station (RWS), were first type of autonomous weapons employed by military. Militaries also employ remote controlled weapon station (RCWS), or remote weapon station (RWS), also known as a remote weapon system, (RWS) is a remotely operated weaponized system often equipped with fire-control system …
Read More »AI and cognitive robotics progressing towards Artificial consciousness (AC), machines with emotional intelligence and be as convincing as people.
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. A computer system able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. The first wave of AI was rule-based and “second wave” …
Read More »Drones that can Autonomously launch and Land from a moving platform are new requirements for Defense and Security
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ( commonly known as a drone) is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. UAVs are a component of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS); which include a UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of communications between the two. The flight of UAVs may …
Read More »DARPA “Sea Train” developing Autonomous swarm of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) for enhancing range of Naval operations
Militaries are becoming increasingly reliant on unmanned ground, sea and aerial vehicles to carry out dull, dirty and dangerous missions. Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV ) is a vehicle that operates at or near the sea surface and has no vehicle operators on board. The US is investing in the development and …
Read More »US Navy’s new massive attack drones, Large Displacement Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (LDUUV) and Extra Large UUV (XLUUV) for assured access in A2/AD environment
USN has revised its Maritime strategy, for decisive war fighting advantage, in anti-access, area denial environment. US Navy’s vision is to achieve an integrated hybrid force of manned and unmanned systems with the ability to sense, comprehend, predict, communicate, plan, make decisions and take collaborative action to achieve operational goals. …
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