A laser rangefinder is a rangefinder that uses a laser beam to determine the distance to an object. The most common form of laser rangefinder operates on the time of flight principle by sending a laser pulse in a narrow beam towards the object and measuring the time taken by …
Read More »Passive and Active Soldier Armor cooling enhance soldier performance in extreme environments
The wearing of body armour provide troops an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield, improving survivability and reducing casualtiesis. It has also been very effective in reducing injuries and fatalities within the police force and correctional services. This protection comes at a price, however. U.S. ground troops today carry an …
Read More »Neuroscience or Cognitive Biotechnology (CBT) increasingly being militarized and weaponized.
Neuroscience (or neurobiology) is the scientific study of the nervous system. It is a multidisciplinary branch of biology that combines physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology, cytology, mathematical modeling and psychology to understand the fundamental and emergent properties of neurons and neural circuits. Neuroanatomists studied the brain’s shape, its …
Read More »DARPA Cornucopia to produce palatable food from microorganisms for soldiers
With nutritional status being central to success in battle, food technology has long been considered an enabler for military operations. Food technology has been instrumental in ensuring that troops remain “fit to fight”. Early military leaders realised that how well their men were fed played a crucial role in success …
Read More »Man portable military systems require Low Power Electronics technologies
The vision for the future soldier is to be combat effective and also highly mobile, adaptive, networked, sustainable with total battle space situation awareness and information assurance. Therefore, he is equipped with night- vision goggles, radios, smartphones, GPS, infrared sights, a laptop as well as batteries to power them. …
Read More »DARPA ENVision developing next-generation Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) which are compact, multi-band, and wide-FOV
For decades U.S. warfighters have benefitted from advanced night-vision technology, allowing pilots to fly low-level missions on pitch-black nights and ground forces to conduct operations against adversaries in the dark. Traditional Night Vision Goggle (NVG) systems provide the wearer with enhanced visibility in low-light conditions by exploiting the natural near-infrared …
Read More »US DOD developing Mobile and sensor technologies for continuous, real-time assessment of the health and performance of warfighter on the battlefield
As militaries are expected to operate in diverse environments – from Arctic to urban landscapes – developing materials, technologies and capabilities that enable soldiers to survive and thrive has become ever more important. The most critical component to success on the battlefield is the warfighter, therefore around the world, armies …
Read More »DARPA WASH built Smartphone App for continuous assessment of Warfighter readiness and predict Illness or Injury
Around the world, armies are recognizing the importance of maximizing the effectiveness of Soldiers physically, perceptually, and cognitively. Militaries are therefore studying effects of frustration, mental workload, stress, fear and fatigue on both cognitive and physical performance. Early detection of illness and injury often yields a better prognosis. For …
Read More »Future digitized Battlefield require Soldier transformation to software experts and data analysts
In an era where technology is the key driver enhancing capabilities across the military, the soldier remains as crucial as ever for achieving mission success. Some of the missions the soldiers perform can take weeks, away from in difficult terrain like deserts and mountains which requires maintaining an incredibly high …
Read More »Undersea Warfare Training Range (USWTR) is enhancing US Navy’s ASW training effectiveness
Anti-submarine Warfare is Critical for US Navy. Submarines still pose a threat to seaborne forces. More than 90% of joint military equipment (Army, Air Force, Marines) still flows by sea. A great deal of humanitarian aid (tsunami relief, hurricane relief, humanitarian evacuation) comes by sea. Therefore to defend our nation, …
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