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Doctrine & Strategy

Russia’s DARPA, the Advanced Research Foundation aims breakthrough high-risk research and development

Emerging technologies such as space technology; 5G, Cloud computing, IoT, “big data” analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, photonics, materials, nanotechnology; biotechnology; and quantum computing, have significant potential to create, significant social, economic, and military benefits. Therefore countries led by US, China and Russia are spending billions of dollars on them to gain …

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Agile Engineering is the Future of Aerospace Design and Production

In the middle of the 1990s, the common way of developing software was a heavyweight software development methodology, comprising of complete requirements documentation of design and architecture, followed by coding, integration, and finally testing based on a detailed test plan before an application was deemed production-ready. This traditional and sequential life …

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Civil military integration strategy boosts Dual use technologies to foster Military innovation

Historically and during the cold war military technology programs drove many commercial successes like Nuclear power, GPS, Internet, Computers, Jet Engines, semiconductor and integrated circuits, and these were driven by Department of Defense’s comprehensive and well-resourced investment plans.   The internet grew out of a military research project.  Global Positioning System …

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Cyber Moonshot and Accelerating Security of Systems with Emerging Technologies (ASSET)

The nation’s critical infrastructure is increasingly dependent on the Internet, while cybersecurity attacks are on the rise. Cybersecurity threats are becoming more frequent, more sophisticated, and more destructive—gradually eroding society’s trust in digital infrastructure. As technology continues to advance and every facet of daily life becomes increasingly interconnected, both the …

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Threat of Biological warfare, Bioterrorism and Bio accidents requires comprehensive Biodefense strategy

Naturally occurring threats such as influenza, Ebola, and Chikungunya are bypassing borders to emerge in nations oceans away, and exact a continued toll. The Pandemic and highly pathogenic influenzas challenge the globe every year and result in the loss of thousands of human and frequently millions of animal lives, respectively. …

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UK Cyber Security Strategy emphasizes Defence , Deterrence and Cyber technology development

The rapid development of digitalized services and online shopping in the UK has been paralleled with significant growth in cybercrime, leading to greater spending on security in public and private sectors. Organizations’ IT footprints have also become increasingly complex, driving demand for more sophisticated and bespoke cyber solutions.   There …

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System of System’s (SOS) engineering for Integrated and Joint defence capability planning, Acquisition and development of Defense System of Systems (SOS)

Systems Engineering (SE) is defined as the process by which a customer’s needs are satisfied through the conceptualization, design, modeling, testing, implementation, and operation of a working system. Today, engineers and developers have fairly well codified the processes and techniques for building large, complex systems, and when executed properly, resulting …

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Countries advance bioeconomic strategies

The world faces the challenge of responding to not only the new issues emerging from COVID-19 but also those related to climate change and rising restrictions on natural resources, while sustainably meeting a growing demand for energy and food.  These are intimately involved with the need to control climate change …

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China’s Military-Civil Fusion strategy boosting its technological and Military Innovation and Defence preparedness

China is making rapid advancements in many technologies thus narrowing its gap with the western world. Former US energy secretary Steven Chu has even observed that China is ahead of America in areas ranging “from wind power to nuclear reactors to high-speed rail”. China is also catching up fast in …

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Countries developing Strategies and Tactics for warfighting for Information Warfare

A rapidly increasing percentage of the world’s population is connected to the global information environment. The new information age has seen rise of social media, bloggers, smartphones, plethora of cable and satellite news channels. It can also be seen in the ongoing Internet of things revolution, the internetworking of physical …

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