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Air Force

Northrop Grumman’s Long Range Strike Bomber to project US power throughout the Globe long into the future

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III announced that Northrop Grumman had won its bid to be the builder of the Long Range Strike Bomber (LRSB), the Air Force’s replacement for its aging B-52 and B-1 …

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Raytheon’s blimps designed to protect US cities from Cruise Missiles to Rogue aircraft, becomes Rogue itself

The US Army had launched a second JLENS aerostat in Aug 2015 to increase cruise missile early warning coverage of the East Coast, joining one first launched in December 2014. However in Oct 2015, one of them got untethered from its base at Aberdeen Proving Ground, a U.S. Army facility …

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US Air force developing Killer Drones

The airforce vehicle laboratory released a computer generated video to show off the capabilities of flying UAVs they are designing. They tiny robots can fly like birds, crawl like spiders, hover like bees and can also attack a human target with a weapon.

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