The Department of Defense (DOD) defines cyberspace as a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures and resident data, including the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. The DOD Information Network (DODIN) is a global infrastructure carrying DOD, …
Read More »Reaper and Global Hawks being modernized to defeat A2 / AD environment through long range high-resolution sensors and cybersecurity
Current unmanned aircraft – including the MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper and RQ-4 Global Hawk have excelled against terrorists, both for near-persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and strike capability for Reapers and Predators. This was partly due to the permissive environments of southwest Asia counter terrorism missions against technologically inferior groups. In …
Read More »USAF requires Seamless multi-domain communications “network of networks” fabric across C2ISR enterprise for implementing multi domain operations
Developing and delivering air superiority for the highly contested environment in 2030 requires a multi-domain focus on capabilities and capacity, according to the unclassified version of the Air Superiority 2030 Flight Plan. “After 25 years of being the only great power out there, we’re returning to a world of great …
Read More »DARPA CODE developing swarming UAVs to defeat A2/AD environments
US military is facing increasingly Anti-access /Area denial environment, a set of overlapping military capabilities and operations designed to slow the deployment of U.S. forces to a region, reduce the tempo of those forces once there, and deny the freedom of action necessary to achieve military objectives . “A2/AD capabilities …
Read More »USAF’s BLU-129/Bs or VLCDW is a Carbon Fiber Bomb with very low collateral damage but also extraordinarily expensive
Cities have become the new battleground and Hybrid or Urban Warfare the greatest threat being waged by ISIS to Boko Haram to Hamas to Ukraine rebels. Urban warfare is the only way the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria will be defeated. Urban environments negate many traditional U.S. military …
Read More »Nanotechnology is transforming aerospace, leading to lighter and more efficient air vehicles
The aerospace industry is one of the most important heavy industries in the world. Countless companies rely on the ability to ship products and people around the world with the speed that can only by achieved by air. Along with this huge economic value, however, comes huge consumption, and …
Read More »Advances in Vertical and/or short take-off and landing (V/STOL) aircraft technology
Sometimes long runways required by conventional aircrafts aren’t available to use or there is a need for an aircraft to use no runways at all. Vertical take-off and landing VTOL technology means aircraft can theoretically take off and land almost anywhere, making them far more flexible. They’re also able to perform …
Read More »Researchers developing efficient Vision Aided Navigation for UAV in GPS-Denied environments like building, underground or under the forest canopy
UAV navigation can be seen as a process that robots make a plan on how to safely and quickly reach the target location, which mostly relies on current environment and location. In order to successfully complete the scheduled mission, a UAV must be fully aware of its states, including location, …
Read More »UAVs are proving to be disruptive technology for disaster planning, response and relief operations
A disaster can be defined as any tragic event stemming from events such as earthquakes, floods, accidents, fires, or explosions. It is a phenomenon that can cause damage to life and property and destroy the economic, social or cultural life of people. Over the past two decades, the impact of disasters …
Read More »New air-to-ground missile JAGM with dual mode seeker provides precision standoff-strike capability to target armored and moving targets
The Hellfire missile is the primary 100-pound (45 kg) class air-to-ground precision weapon having multi-mission, multi-target precision-strike ability, and can be launched from multiple air, sea, and ground platforms, including the Predator drone. But the most common platform is the AH-64 Apache helicopter gunship, which can carry up to 16 …
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