A Chinese navy submarine rescue vessel launched a small boat and seized the US drone which the Pentagon also called an “ocean glider.” The Pentagon said the Chinese ship ignored repeated demands to return the vehicle from the USNS Bowditch. One week later the Chinese government has returned the US …
Read More »The future of commercial and military aviation is true autonomous flight
Modern commercial airliners have automated systems that can augment or even replace pilots’ performance, managing engine power, controlling and navigating the aircraft, and in some cases even completing landings. One of the goal of future aviation is fully autonomous flight. A fully autonomous aircraft would not require a pilot; it …
Read More »Innovative future Aircraft concepts and technologies for improved safety, aerodynamics, fuel efficiency, noise and emission control
Aviation Industry and Academia aredeveloping Innovative concepts and technologies for future commercial Aircrafts. The aircraft industry is expecting a seven-fold increase in air traffic by 2050, and a four-fold increase in greenhouse gas emissions unless fundamental changes are made. Biofuel offers carbon emissions reductions of between 36-85%, with the variability …
Read More »USAF to replace replacing JSTARS a wide area ground surveillance, battle management command and control platform with Advanced Battle Management System or ABMS
JSTARS is a joint development project of the US Air Force and Army which provides a picture of the ground situation equivalent to that of the air situation provided by AWACS. Operating from a stand-off position often in excess of 200 km, it can detect, locate and classify tracks and …
Read More »Reliable Sense and Avoid (SAA) systems enable large scale civil, and military drones and swarms
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are growing at frentic pace driven by civil, consumer and military requirements. According to Volpe report, the number of UASs operating in the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) will exceed 250,000 by the year 2035. There are growing number of civil and commercial applications of UAVs, …
Read More »Wide-area Airborne Motion Imagery (WAMI ) offers Military persistent, real-time surveillance for enhanced situation awarness through an intelligent, airborne sensor system
The DoD has become increasingly reliant on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) applications. With the advent of expanded ISR capabilities, there is a pressing need to dramatically expand the real-time processing of wide-area, high-resolution video imagery, especially for target recognition and tracking a large number of objects. Not only is …
Read More »China’s second stealth fighter FC-31, comparable to F-35, is being upgraded for carrier launching
CHINA’s made a significant step forward in its bid to equal — and eventually surpass — United States air superiority. China’s J-20 stealth fighter jet, one of the few fifth-generation jets in the world, has been deployed to the South China Sea and is armed with live weapons to patrol the …
Read More »Apache’s Longbow Radar enables rapid, multi-target engagement in all weather, over multiple terrains and through battlefield obscurants
Radars have emerged as most effective sensors for long range detection and tracking of military targets under all weather, day/night conditions. Radar is an essential electronic system for any military force, whether at land, sea, or in the air. Over the years military radar technology has gradually moved to higher frequencies, smaller …
Read More »Requirement of New military technology for aircrews in Helicopters and small aircraft to detect and avoid thin artificial objects such as power lines
Helicopters and small aircraft flying at low altitude in the visual flight rules often strike against obstacles. According to the aircraft accident reports in Japan, many collisions by small aircraft were caused by long, thin artificial objects as power lines because they are often very difficult to find by pilot …
Read More »Swarm technologies enable militaries to employ them for ISR, force protection and precision firepower
Criminals and militants have now started using swarm of commercial available drones thereby engancing their effectiveness and lethality. Military is also developing swarms for many applications including ISR, decoys or as swarm of weapons. Swarms are expected to be effective even in A2/AD environments. Instead of being individually directed …
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