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DARPA developing new technologies to counter biological weapon threats

Biological weapons achieve their intended effects by infecting people with disease-causing microorganisms and other replicative entities, including viruses, infectious nucleic acids and prions. The chief characteristic of biological agents is their ability to multiply in a host over time.   Viral pathogens pose a continuous and shifting biological threat to …

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DARPA developing cognitive radio IC technology for next-gen Communications, Radar, and Electronic Warafre

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and British defense firm BAE Systems have developed a new lightweight, handheld tactical sensor that lets U.S. soldiers easily detect and identify enemy electronic jammers on the battlefield.   During Recent ongoing Syrian conflict Russia has demonstrated many advanced weapons, one of …

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Glass is a promising material for post silicon era and future hybrid Electronics-Photonics technology

Silicon (Si) based microelectronics, that had revolutionized electronics, computing and communications, has reached its limits and researchers are exploring various technologies to replace silicon, that can satisfy humanity’s need for faster, smaller, greener and more powerful computers. One of class of materials, that are being explored are Phase-change materials (or …

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DARPA’s Wireless Network Defense program seeks to develop new technologies to help make wireless networks more resilient to unforeseen scenarios and malicious compromise

When in the field, military service members rely on their mobile devices to provide access to wireless networks in areas lacking a communications infrastructure. The protocols used for these networks determine the best config urations, and therefore trust all information shared about the security and operational state of each node. …

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Neural Dust implanted in the body without surgery could monitor or stimulate internal muscles, organs, nerves or brain in real time

U C Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.Because these batteryless sensors could also be used to stimulate nerves and muscles, the technology also …

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DARPA Next Generation Social Science program seek new models, theories, and tools for predictive science of social phenomena

Military commanders require means for detecting and anticipating long-term strategic instability. They have to get ahead and stay ahead of conflicts, whether those conflicts are within nation states, between nation states, and/or between non-nation states. In establishing or maintaining security in a region, cooperation and planning by the regional combatant …

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USAF developing C4ISR that is based on AI, Integrated, Joint, Multifunctional and Multidomain ( air, space and cyber )

The Air Force must help develop new battle management networks and operating concepts as the Pentagon seeks to stay ahead of advanced adversaries, Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work had said. The ability to coordinate the operations of autonomous systems and other cutting-edge platforms and capabilities will be critical for …

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Metallic glass , the next disruptive material for Future Space and Military applications, coming of Age

Metallic glasses are new type of glass that are  extremely strong, hard, and resistant to wear and corrosion, all of which make them good potential candidates for engineering uses, including electronics casings, and medical uses such as surgical pins and stents. Metallic glass can withstand heavy impacts without deforming – even when …

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DARPA’s MUSE and PLINY used deep learning and analytics to automatically find software vulnerabilites of military and mission critical systems

As computing devices become more pervasive, the software systems that control them have become increasingly more complex and sophisticated. Consequently, despite the tremendous resources devoted to making software more robust and resilient, ensuring that programs are correct—especially at scale—remains a difficult and challenging endeavor. Unfortunately, uncaught errors triggered during program …

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DARPA’s ultrahigh speed Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC) to improve performance of Radar, Electronic Warfare and Communications

Our society is highly connected through various digital services. However, much of the information we exchange and process is of an analogue nature in its origin. Analogue-to-digital conversion is thus already an integral part of our modern digital society. Digital signal processing is a powerful technique for storing, analysing and …

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