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DARPA’s LogX to develop Real-time DOD logistics and supply chain system while improving its situational awareness (diagnosis), prediction (prognosis) and resilience.

The Department of Defense (DoD)’s Joint Logistics Enterprise, which spans both supply chain and logistics operations, provides the means to muster, transport, and sustain military power anywhere in the world at a high level of readiness. The Joint Logistics Enterprise is immense: for the Air Force alone, the number of aircraft …

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Reconfigurable or Adaptable Electronics technologies based on Nanotechnology enable resilient systems for Extreme Environments and multi-function adaptive military systems

Traditionally, electronics have been designed with static form factors to serve designated purposes. This approach has been an optimal direction for maintaining the overall device performance and reliability for targeted applications. As the world enters the age of ubiquitous computing, the need for reconfigurable hardware operating close to the fundamental …

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3D Printing to enable on-demand, 3D-printed explosives at the front line.

Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations. Energetic materials consist of fuels and oxidizers which are intimately mixed.  …

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Biomarkers playing vital role from gauging Warfighter Readiness to predicting infection

The term “biomarker”, a portmanteau of “biological marker”, refers to a broad subcategory of medical signs – that is, objective indications of medical state observed from outside the patient – which can be measured accurately and reproducibly. Medical signs stand in contrast to medical symptoms, which are limited to those …

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DARPA’s PULSE developed ultrafast Laser technology to improve range and resolution of next generation military navigation, communication, imaging and radar systems

The ability to observe events on such timescales is important for basic physics — to understand how atoms move within molecules — as well as for engineering semiconductor devices, and for understanding basic biological processes at the molecular level. Today, researchers can easily reach into the realm of femtoseconds — quadrillionths …

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DARPA MBA develops set of Biomarkers predicting Warfighter Readiness and performance in military missions

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched a program helping the Department of Defense sustain and reinforce U.S. military readiness through the study of warfighter biology. The Measuring Biological Aptitude program seeks to understand biological processes and factors that could affect the performance of specialized military roles, according to DARPA. Service …

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Distributed machine learning is scalable solution for computation requirements of gigantic DNNs, DARPA’s DIAMOND to develop new hardware and algorithms

Machine learning is a set of algorithms which are modeled after the human brain and are designed to take in large amounts of data and recognize patterns. What sets them apart is not just how fast they can analyze data, but the fact that they can actually learn and improve …

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DARPA’s SI3-CMD to enhance Military Decision Making through artificial intelligence and computational game theory

Military decision-making applications could include strategy development, course of action planning, tactical analyses, intelligence gathering, wargaming and simulation, deception detection, coalition formation and evolution, and others. Such domains typically involve extremely large search spaces (making even a single traversal of a complete decision tree impossible), private information that is never …

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Quantum repeater technology breakthroughs pave the way for Quantum internet—the quantum version of the current Internet

Quantum encryption using single photons is a promising technique for boosting the security of communication systems and data networks, but there are challenges in applying the method over large distances due to transmission losses. Currently Most Quantum Communication links are direct point-to-point links through telecom optical fibers and, ultimately limited to …

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Detonators innovating for a wireless safer & more productive blasting and EMI/EMP immune laser detonators

Energetic materials and munitions are used across DoD in mission critical applications such as rockets, missiles, ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices. In these applications, energetic materials and munitions must perform as designed to ensure success in both training and combat operations. Explosive substances are solid or liquid substances or mixtures, which …

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