NCW is theory of warfare in the information age which hypothesizes that forces which are networked will outperform forces that are not. NCW is an ‘integration of sensors, decision-makers, weapons platforms and support capabilities to enable agility’ providing ‘interoperability and collaboration within and between services’. According to U.S. Defense …
Read More »Countries upgrading Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar systems to counter threats like drones, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and cruise missiles
As the threat for Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (RAM) increases around the world, the need for a system to detect and alert Soldiers of incoming rounds for military locations becomes vital to mission success and force survivability. Military installations such as forward operating bases are vulnerable to rocket, artillery and …
Read More »US, Russia, and China are developing next generation nuclear submarine fleets, other countries are also mastering nuclear submarine technology
A nuclear submarine is a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor. The performance advantages of nuclear submarines over “conventional” (typically diesel-electric) submarines are considerable. Nuclear submarines are more powerful than diesel-powered submarines because nuclear reactors powering them can run for years without the need for refuelling. Nuclear propulsion, being completely …
Read More »Phase Change Materials (PCMs) and Metal Hydride Heat Storage Technology for Directed Energy Weapon Systems
Recent advances of high power solid state lasers promises necessary laser power levels required for the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) systems. However, inefficiencies of the laser components still generate too much waste heat to be managed by conventional liquid cooling systems, especially in an airborne platform where compactness, light-weight and …
Read More »DARPA RSPACE Autonomous and Resilient command and control for Air Mission Planning under contested environment
Air Force officers in charge of creating air tasking orders have long developed mission plans at air operations centers, known as AOCs, or centralized hubs in a specific command. In future conflicts U.S. forces may face degradation or denial of critical communications capabilities essential for coordination and shared situation understanding. …
Read More »US Army’s Warfighter Network (WIN-T) provides high-speed, high-capacity and secure reliable voice, video and data communications anytime, anywhere without the need for fixed infrastructure
Today’s soldiers expect to have network access anywhere, anytime. With the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), enables mission command and secure reliable voice, video and data communications on-the-move anytime, anywhere without the need for fixed infrastructure. First deployed in Iraq in 2004, WIN-T meant soldiers “had a high-speed, interoperable voice …
Read More »Neutron Beams can detect Nuclear Warheads and disable them
Despite making reductions in their arsenals, both the USA and Russia have extensive and expensive programmes under way to replace and modernize their nuclear warheads, missile and aircraft delivery systems, and nuclear weapon production facilities. The Nuclear Race between US, Russia, and China through their continuous modernization of all the …
Read More »Militaries developing Vehicle mounted Lasers Directed Energy Weapons to counter swarm of Drones , C-RAM (Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar) and subsonic cruise missiles
The drones have emerged as a major new threat to civilian infrastructure and military. The militant organizations have started employing drones to further their terrorism. Jihadi groups fighting the Syrian government – most notably ISIS and Jabhet al-Nusra – are extensively using advanced drones to pinpoint the Syrian Army’s locations, …
Read More »DARPA’s Safe Gene editing program developing tools to prevent Global Bioterrorism and Biowarfare threat
Gene editing technologies have captured increasing attention from healthcare professionals, policymakers, and community leaders in recent years for their potential to selectively disable cancerous cells in the body, control populations of disease-spreading mosquitos, and defend native flora and fauna against invasive species, among other uses. The potential national security applications …
Read More »Countries developing Neutron guns as particle beam directed energy weapons to destroy enemy missiles
A neutron beam can destroy electronics and that would be useful in warfare. The U.S. Defense Strategic Defense Initiative put into development the technology of a neutral particle beam to be used as a weapon in outer space. Neutral beam accelerator technology was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. According to …
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