Cybersecurity Ventures predicts cybercrime will cost the world in excess of $6 trillion annually by 2021, up from $3 trillion in 2015. The NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, commonly referred to as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), provides private sector organizations with a structure for assessing and improving …
Read More »Industry developing security solutions like Hardware security module (HSM) for secure military unmanned platforms, sensors, and communication devices
Hardware Trojans (HT), which are malicious circuit inclusions into the design from an adversary with an intention to damage the functionality of the chip at a much later date or leaking confidential information like keys used in cryptography. Time to market demand has forced integrated circuit design, manufacturing and testing …
Read More »Countries accelerating the transfer of military technology to commercial sector through accelerators and military-civilian integration
Many commercial technologies we use today can be traced to military from aircrafts to nuclear power, from semiconductors to computers. Duct tape was invented to protect ammunition cases from water during World War II. The internet grew out of a military research project. Navigation devices, such as Google Maps, rely on …
Read More »US DOD adapts commercial 4G LTE Advanced technology for mission command data, imagery and streaming video to battlefield
As the capabilities of commercial wireless systems and technology is advancing exponentially, the technology gap between them and the military tactical communications systems is widening. Huge product-oriented investments and standardization efforts by the commercial telecommunications industry has enabled 4G wireless along with the global standard, Long Term Evolution (LTE) to achieve peak data rate capabilities approximately ten times …
Read More »AI/ML industry starting with Google’s TensorFlow has introduced numerous open source libraries and frameworks
In mathematics, a tensor is an algebraic object that describes a linear mapping from one set of algebraic objects to another. According to Ars Technica, “Basically, a tensor is a matrix of equations, instead of a matrix of pure numbers. Tensor mathematics is the manipulation of these equation matrices as …
Read More »DARPA GAPS program developing hardware and software architectures that can provide physical security like air-gaps
Today, modern computing systems are incapable of creating sufficient security protections such that they can be trusted with the most sensitive data while simultaneously being exposed to untrusted data streams.” “Therefore, for the most sensitive computing systems, [the Department of Defense] and commercial industry have in certain places adopted a …
Read More »Structural electronics to disrupt the automotive and aerospace sectors by replacing dumb components with smart materials, smart skin, load-bearing parts, and e-textiles
The term, structural electronics (SE), refers to a next-generation based electronics technology, which involves the printing of functional electronic circuitries, across irregular-shaped architectures. SE is expected to replace bulky load-bearing structures within a circuitry with smart electronic components that can conform to complex shapes for ensuring optimum space utilization. SE …
Read More »DARPA’s GAILA developing AI for Military robots acquire language like Children learn from their parents
The past few decades have seen explosive growth in development and training of AI systems, which are now embodied in digital computing processes spanning several key industries. One area that has benefited from AI, and specifically Machine Learning (ML) techniques and statistical methods, is the area of Human Language Technology …
Read More »Rising conflicts and terrorist threats driving large growth in Military Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes items that must be worn in combat and in training. Military personal protective equipment has become a crucial and standard element of soldier equipment. Increasing awareness about safety and security of military personals along with initiative by government in procurement of personal protective wears is …
Read More »DARPA Fast Networks Interface Cards (FastNICs) to enable exascale supercomputers to distributed machine learning
Computing performance has steadily increased against the trajectory set by Moore’s Law, and networking performance has accelerated at a similar rate. Despite these connected evolutions in network and server technology however, the network stack, starting with the network interface card (NIC) – or the hardware that bridges the network/server boundary …
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