A nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany has been struck, binding Iran on limiting its nuclear activity in return for the lifting of international economic sanctions. The lifting of sanctions is seeing rush of foreign companies, particularly European countries like …
Read More »Assured Nanosecond Accuracy Wireless Network Synchronization in GPS denied environment
Researchers of USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Segura, Niranjayan, Hashemi and Andreas Molisch, have experimentally demonstrated the first wireless network synchronized with nanosecond accuracy. They have developed a prototype, consisting of four nodes that synchronize to each other with an accuracy of approximately three nanoseconds. They also introduced a scalable …
Read More »NATO-Russia standoff amidst Ukraine crisis bring back the fears of Global crisis
Over the last few years, Russia and NATO have been caught in something of a security trap, where neither trusts the other’s intentions and thus tries to build up more military power to deter its rival. Although both think of their actions as defensive, their enemy sees pure aggression—and the …
Read More »The Kurd- ISIS-Shia war leading to IRAQ’s division into three regions
ISIS, born from an al Qaeda splinter group and supported by many Sunni factions, made fierce advances in Iraq last year by taking over Iraq’s second biggest city, Mosul, and also the important cities of Fallujah and Tikrit. Early this year Isis lost Tikrit, the home town of Saddam Hussein, …
Read More »DARPA’s CMUVT and LUSTER provided Ultraviolet Thrust for Chemical & Biological Warfare, Missile warning, Atomic Clocks and Communications
Among all the electromagnetic waves in the universe, the most relevant to us are those in the visible spectrum. It is the radiation at these wavelengths that enables us to see our surroundings and live, by breathing in oxygen generated by photosynthesis. Ultraviolet (UV) is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from …
Read More »DOD needs a game plan: an institutional strategy for Directed Energy Weapon systems, says CNAS report
Directed-energy weapons are among a handful of maturing disruptive or asymmetric technologies that could confer game-changing technological advantages both as a superior defensive capability and as an effective electronic attack option. For operations in anti-access/area-denial environments, they could strengthen U.S. power projection assets and defend fixed-site installations and/or expeditionary forces …
Read More »Reports say China has developed secret “STAR WARS” Weapon, what kind of it appears to be?
China has achieved a technological breakthrough that could help introduce pulse weapons to the People’s Liberation Army’s arsenal, reports the Global Times, a tabloid under the auspices of the Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily. According to the report, the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy …
Read More »US is deploying Navy Platform SBX1 to trigger Earthquakes in North Korea, as HAARP weapon, is it pure speculation?
The US Navy’s Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) a floating, self-propelled, mobile, active electronically scanned array radar station, is a part of Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency.
Read More »Rockwell Collins PPSS system combines Wireless Sensor Network, Day/Night cameras, Unmanned Aerial System and the Ground Surveillance Radar for constant monitoring of threats against military bases
Rockwell Collins has unveiled its enhanced Patrol Persistent Surveillance System (PPSS) system for enhanced situational awareness and the constant monitoring of threats against military bases, forward observation posts and other secure facilities. It offers an integerated system that combines sound, vibration and imaging sensors along with sensor data from the …
Read More »Alarming future security threat, World population to hit 11 billion by 2100
A new study led by the University of Washington and the United Nations finds that world population is likely to keep growing throughout the 21st century, reaching 11 billion by 2100, about 2 billion higher than widely cited previous estimates. The growth shall be led by Africa, which is forecasted …
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