Nanoparticles have unique thermal, optical, physical, chemical, magnetic and electrical properties compared to their bulk material counterparts. These features can be exploited for next generation biosensors, electronics, catalysts and antimicrobials. Metallic nanoparticles are one important and widely studied group of materials, showing great diversity and many different uses Over …
Read More »Skin patches to diagnose diseases, monitor soldiers’ health, and stress levels in combat
Biomedical sensors present an exciting opportunity to measure human physiologic parameters in a continuous, real-time, and nonintrusive manner by leveraging semiconductor and flexible electronics packaging technology. These sensors incorporate a broad range of advances in microelectromechanical (MEMS), biological and chemical sensing, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), and electroencephalogram (EEG)-based neural sensing …
Read More »NATO planning advanced submarine sensing and hunting technologies for Russian ultra quiet submarines
Russia is seeking to further bolster its sub-surface capabilities, with new generations of conventional and nuclear propulsion submarines, which promise to be significantly more difficult to detect and track for western naval forces. This includes the Yasen, Lada, Borei and Kalina classes of submarines. Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation (UAC) has announced …
Read More »DARPA launched submarine hunting platforms and technologies to track ultra-quiet as well as highly lethal submarines
Russia is seeking to further bolster its sub-surface capabilities, with new generations of conventional and nuclear propulsion submarines, which promise to be significantly more difficult to detect and track for western naval forces. This includes the Yasen, Lada, Borei and Kalina classes of submarines. Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation (UAC) has …
Read More »Attacking ISIS by Cyber warfare and dropping cyber bombs was new strategy implemented by US, UK & Australia
United States opened a new line of combat against the Islamic State, directing the military’s eight-year-old Cyber Command for the first time to mount computer-network attacks that are now being used alongside more traditional weapons. In 2009, US established, USCYBERCOM for more effective and coordinated efforts for conducting cyberspace operations. Cyber Command, …
Read More »In the era of Electronic, and Cyber Warfare, Pigeons still provide alternative mode to transfer massive amount of data securely
The homing pigeon is a variety of domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica) derived from the rock pigeon, selectively bred for its ability to find its way home over extremely long distances. The wild rock pigeon has an innate homing ability, meaning that it will generally return to its nest, (it …
Read More »Fake news is difficult to identify and fix, require new regulations and technologies for combating it.
Fake news or junk news or pseudo-news is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. This type of news, found in traditional news, social media or fake news websites, has no …
Read More »Low‐Latency, Low‐Power technologies and communications devices are required for IoT Networks
The Internet-of-Things is an emerging revolution in the ICT sector under which interconnecting physical objects communicate with each other and/or with humans over internet in order to offer a given service. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people …
Read More »Cyber criminals favouring stealthier attacks like Cryptojacking to make free money
Cyber criminals are switching away from ransomware to stealthier attacks as the main sources of generating revenue, according to analysis by British artificial intelligence (AI)-based cyber security firm Darktrace. Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of someone else’s computer to mine cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that can …
Read More »Quantum sensors using Rydberg atoms enable ultrasensitive and ultrawideband electric field sensors, communication receivers from VLF to Terahertz
Quantum sensing uses some nonintuitive properties of nature to measure things like time, magnetic fields, gravity, or acceleration. Quantum sensing has become a distinct and rapidly growing branch of research within the area of quantum science and technology, with the most common platforms being spin qubits, trapped ions and flux qubits. …
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