Drones are increasingly making an impact on society and economy. Drones are used by the military for intelligence gathering, anti-aircraft target practice, and also for weapons platforms. They are also used for many civilian roles such as agricultural surveillance, mapping, tracking, search and rescue, traffic monitoring, firefighting, weather monitoring, engineering …
Read More »Countries led by Russia, US and China employing Supercavitation technologies to develop supersonic Submarines, Vessels, and Torpedoes
One of the biggest problems with trying to get torpedos to travel faster is the fact that water is a thousand more times dense than air, so in order to overcome that resistance researchers have had to try a variety of different techniques. One of the phenomenon called supercavitation uses …
Read More »Sense and Avoid (SAA) technologies for Safe integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into Civil Airspace
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are growing at frentic pace driven by civil, consumer and military requirements. In order for a UAS to safely navigate in the already crowded aerial environment of the modern world, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other international organizations have mandated that unmanned aircraft must …
Read More »DARPA Launch Challenge to enable US DOD’s Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) strategy for Space warfare
Military today is more reliant on space than ever before including ISR, Electronic warefare, Communications, Command and control and ballistic Missile defence. The joint warfighter uses space to satisfy an ever expanding and diverse set of requirements such as cutting the fog and friction of war or to enable net-centric …
Read More »US adding space-based computing and analytic capabilities to Space Sensors for Ballistic and Hypersonic missile defence
US, Russia and China are in race for Hypersonic Weapons that shall provide prompt global strike capability. Russia’s Avangard hypersonic missile system became operational in Dec 2019, defence minister Sergey Shoygu has said. The intercontinental weapon can fly 27 times the speed of sound and, unlike a regular missile warhead, …
Read More »Military developing Free Space Optical(FSO) or Laser communications for ultrafast secure communications that are harder to detect and disrupt
Free Space Optical or Laser communications is creating a new communications revolution, that by using visible and infrared light instead of radio waves for data transmission is providing large bandwidth, high data rate, license free spectrum, easy and quick deployability, low mass and less power requirement. It also offers low …
Read More »DARPA’s SHIELD developed technologies for secure reliable authentication for ICs subject to hardware Trojans, cloning, counterfeit or recycling in Military systems that pose critical National Security Risk
Outsourcing of integrated circuit (IC) and printed circuit board (PCB) design, fabrication, packaging, and testing have dramatically reduced the time and cost of product development. In doing so, this has enabled the widespread availability of microelectronics, which has indeed transformed modern life. However, unintended consequences include malicious design alteration (i.e., …
Read More »Threats to ICT supply chains including Counterfeit electronic components and Hardware Trojans present critical risk to military and security systems
Information and communications technology, encompassing digital services and infrastructure, cybersecurity and software, is ubiquitous throughout the economy and society. As the digital transformation gathers pace, the number and complexity of ICT services is accelerating. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) relies on a complex, globally distributed, and interconnected supply chain …
Read More »New technologies enable Very Long Range Air-to-Air missiles to reach targets at longer ranges, with heavier payloads and with greater precision
The Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) is a potent guided missile that changed the shape of aerial combat forever. Capable of destroying fast and maneuverable jet fighters at ranges sometimes exceeding 100 kilometers, these high-tech weapons dominate the skies. The probability of Aerial dogfights are becoming less in modern times, as US …
Read More »Error-correction in Quantum Computers using Machine learning and Neural Networks proving successful strategy
‘The development of a “quantum computer” is one of the outstanding technological challenges of the 21st century. A quantum computer is a machine that processes information according to the rules of quantum physics, which govern the behaviour of microscopic particles at the scale of atoms and smaller said Dr Chris …
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