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Rajesh Uppal

Sound or Phonons emerging as a new element of quantum computing and devices to store, convert and search quantum data

The International Data Corp. reported that the global datasphere contained 33 zettabytes, or 33 trillion gigabytes, in 2018. By 2025, they expect that number to grow to 175 zettabytes. 175 zettabytes of information stored on DVDs would fill enough DVDs to circle Earth 222 times. In classical computing, information is stored …

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China emerged as World’s leading manufacturer, consumer and exporter of drones after US and Israel

The Sep  2019 attacks on Saudi Arabia’s crude oil hub at the Abqaiq and Khurais production facilities reveal how drone warfare has progressed in terms of  choosing of targets, precision attack, employment tactics that even a nation with a sophisticated military and a massive defense budget is still vulnerable to …

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Emerging technology convergence of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technology and Cognitive science

Technological convergence is a tendency for technologies that were originally quite unrelated to become more closely integrated and even unified as they develop and advance. Technological convergence, in general, refers to the trend or phenomenon where two or more independent technologies integrate and form a new outcome. One example is …

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China advances drone warfare with range of high altitude stealth drones for surveillance of South & East China Sea, to suppression of air defence , ground attack and air combat

The Sep  2019 attacks on Saudi Arabia’s crude oil hub at the Abqaiq and Khurais production facilities reveal how drone warfare has progressed in terms of  choosing of targets, precision attack, employment tactics that even a nation with a sophisticated military and a massive defense budget is still vulnerable to …

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Nanoparticles or Nanocapsules can deliver the CRISPR genome-editing system to most cells and tissues safely and efficiently

Within only a few years, research labs worldwide have adopted a new technology referred to as “CRISPR,”that facilitates making specific changes in the DNA of humans, other animals, and plants. Compared to previous techniques for modifying DNA, this new approach is much faster and easier. CRISPR allows removing a single (defective) …

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Militaries developing robots, ground vehicles and drones to detect and detonate land mines and IEDs

Several countries suffer from the existence of millions of buried landmines in their territories. These landmines have indefinite life, and may still cause horrific personal injuries and economic dislocation for decades after a war has finished.   Landmines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and other homemade bombs struck 6,461 people worldwide …

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Industry transforming network design and network management through Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning

In 2018, operators began to deploy 5G networks globally, which is now in full swing. Compared with 2G/3G/4G, 5G has a significant leap in key performance such as network speed, network latency and connections scale, which would allow it to support new service scenarios and applications. To support the typical …

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New radars can detect Drones carrying IEDs, biological or chemical agents, a critical technology for Counter UAS systems

The increased commercialization of drones is increasing the risks that these drones can be used by terrorists and criminals. The small drones such as a quadcopter or model airplane are readily available and it is highly probable that existing technology would allow unfriendly forces to retrofit them, giving the aircraft …

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DARPA ICARUS develops self destructing drones that make precise deliveries of critical supplies and then vaporize into thin air

A Chinese navy submarine rescue vessel launched a small boat and seized the US drone which the Pentagon also called an “ocean glider.”  The Pentagon said the Chinese ship ignored repeated demands to return the vehicle from the USNS Bowditch. One week later the Chinese government has returned the US …

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Border Agents can fight the Threat of Drug trafficking networks by portable Drug Detection Devices that can identify drugs within seconds

Criminal networks traffic a range of drugs including cannabis, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.  As international borders become increasingly porous, global abuse and accessibility to drugs have become increasingly widespread.   This international trade involves growers, producers, couriers, suppliers and dealers. It affects almost all of our member countries, undermining political …

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