The fiber optic sensors also called as optical fiber sensors use optical fiber or sensing element. These Sensors can measure a large variety of parameters, such as temperature, pressure, strain, refractive index, vibrations, displacements, bending, loading, and liquid level or concentration of chemical species. Fiber optic sensors have become a …
Read More »Rising employment of Unmanned and Autonomous underwater vehicle (UUV & AUV) in Naval ASW & MCM missions
UUVs—submersible unmanned vehicles—are divided into two categories: remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). ROVs are controlled and powered by a person or crew on either land or neighboring craft via an umbilical or using remote control. The cables enable maneuverability of the ROV, allowing it to travel …
Read More »US Army’s Network strategy for Army Network Modernization includes Dynamic Transport, Computing and Networked Edge capability
In 2016, The Army’s chief information officer announced the release of the Army’s new, long-term, network strategy called “Shaping the Army Network (2025-2040).” The document discusses the projected operational environment and required capabilities to set the context for what the future network must enable; describes what the network of 2025 …
Read More »DARPA DODOS develops Optical frequency synthesizers (OFC) chips to enhance LIDAR, coherent communications, and chemical sensing
The need for better radar in World War II drove the development of radio frequency control, and its miniaturization in subsequent decades revolutionized a host of military and consumer applications. The generation of accurate signal frequencies from a single reference oscillator called microwave frequency synthesis, brought about many advanced technologies …
Read More »Indian Photonics technology and market growth is on the verge of explosion
Photonics is the physical science of light (photon) generation, detection, and manipulation through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, and sensing. Though covering all light’s technical applications over the whole spectrum, most photonic applications are in the range of visible and near-infrared light. Photonic systems provide many desirable …
Read More »Passive and active multistatic radars capable of detecting stealth fighters and guiding missiles to destroy them
Stealth technology has proven to be one of the effective approaches to enhance the survivability of Aircrafts. Aircraft/helicopter designers are making them stealthier by reducing their signatures; viz. visual, aural, infrared (IR), and RADAR cross section. Advancements in stealth technologies, as demonstrated by the very low RCS of stealth aircraft …
Read More »Terahertz technology breakthroughs enabling Next Generation Military Communications and Radars
The goal of future generation networks is to meet the future communication needs of the information societies such as Smart infrastructures, Smart City, Smart Grid, Smart Health, and Smart Transportation. The future will be a completely data-driven society in which people and things are connected universally, almost instantaneously (milliseconds) to …
Read More »Global Military Ground Vehicle Propulsion System trends and Market
A military vehicle is a type of vehicle that includes all land combat and transportation vehicles, which are designed for or are significantly used by military forces. Many military vehicles have vehicle armour plate or off-road capabilities or both. A military truck is a vehicle designed to transport troops, fuel …
Read More »Geoengineering and Weather modification programs around the world bring backs the threat of Weather and Climatic Warfare
“Climate change is an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources like food and water. The present day effects of climate change are being felt from the Arctic to the Midwest. Increased sea levels and storm surges …
Read More »DOD Digital Engineering Strategy based on Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for Military System of Systems (SOS)
A system is defined by NASA as a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone. Systems Engineering (SE) is defined as: The process by which a customer’s needs are satisfied through the conceptualization, design, modeling, testing, implementation, and operation of a working …
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