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Rajesh Uppal

Growing Threat of Non Lethal Weapons including Laser Dazzlers and Tasers employed by Military and Security to disorient, temporary blind or set to fire the adversaries

Recently the Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), especially laser DEWs are being developed as non lethal weapons. DEW is a system  that uses Directed Energy primarily as a means to incapacitate, damage, disable or destroy enemy equipment, facilities and/or personnel. Directed energy has the potential to yield cost effective weapons that …

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China’s building and militarizing of disputed islands inspite of rival territorial claims and US calling them illegal, is leading to Naval confrontations in South China Sea

China has caused alarm among its neighbours and in Washington by erecting military installations on what were previously reefs and partially-submerged islets in the strategically-important waters. Delfin Lorenzana, Philippine defence secretary, said that Beijing had agreed “some time ago” that it was “not going to militarise those reclaimed islands”. Trump’s …

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Navies are testing Unmanned Autonomous vessels for COLREGs ( International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea )

Autonomous vessels are one of the newest things in marine technology and many large organizations and companies are currently researching and testing unmanned vessels. There is a possibility that in a few years we will see unmanned vessels sailing in international waters.   US Navy recently  launched a fully autonomous, …

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Supercapacitors critical components in Laser Directed Energy Weapons, Railguns and Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS)

Batteries are preferably to be used under circumstances where there is no possibility for charging, and besides this, in fields where it is important to store energy given the smaller mass and volume. Military applications of batteries include radio appliances, lamps or most electricity powered devices and equipment.   Supercapacitors, …

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NIST Cybersecurity Framework Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity by managing it’s cyber risks

Cybersecurity Ventures predicts cybercrime will cost the world in excess of $6 trillion annually by 2021, up from $3 trillion in 2015. The NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, commonly referred to as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), provides private sector organizations with a structure for assessing and improving …

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Laser directed energy weapons technology breakthroughs enable them to be deployed on Trucks, Warships and Airplanes

The Laser Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) offer a transformational ‘game changer’ to counter asymmetric and disruptive threats, while facing increasingly sophisticated traditional challenges. Laser technology provides major advantages for military applications over kinetic weapons due to High precision and rapid on-target effect, precise and scalable effects,  avoidance of collateral damage …

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Image compression systems becoming essential components on board satellites

Remote sensing of the environment, and especially Earth observation, is witnessing an explosion in terms of volume of available observations, which offer unprecedented capabilities towards the global-scale monitoring of natural and artificial processes.   Satellite imaging payloads, mostly operate a store-and-forward mechanism, whereby the captured images are stored on board …

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DARPA’s ELM developing Living Structural Materials for self growing & self repairable smart buildings and smart military bases on demand

The cities of today are built with concrete and steel between they are responsible for as much as a tenth of worldwide carbon emissions. Before they ever reach a construction site, both steel and concrete must be processed at very high temperatures – which take a lot of energy. And …

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Next Robot revolution are robots with smart skin that can touch and feel

Robots have already become an indispensable part of our lives. Robots have revolutionized auto manufacturing, making plants safer and products more reliable — and reducing the number of people involved in the process. However, even inside a modern auto plant, robots have not been able to  replace the human touch …

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Militaries giving thrust to Biofuels as part of renewable drive and for cheap super-fuel for missiles and hypersonic planes

Biofuels are regarded as promising alternative to satisfy growing energy demands. Biomass derived biodiesel and bioethanol can be successfully utilized in modem vehicle engines with little or no modifications and thus contribute to lower combustion emissions in comparison to the former. Adequate production not only serves as long term replacement …

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