Today, majority of organizations and many government departments and agencies have shifted their databases onto the cloud to improve efficiency and productivity of resources as well as bring down costs. Unfortunately, this move has exposed sensitive information to hackers, who have frequently launched cyber-attacks to retrieve and misuse data. The …
Read More »Data centers are attractive, lucrative targets for cyber criminals and nation-states, require security meaures & technologies
Today, majority of organizations and many government departments and agencies have shifted their databases onto the cloud to improve efficiency and productivity of resources as well as bring down costs. Unfortunately, this move has exposed sensitive information to hackers, who have frequently launched cyber-attacks to retrieve and misuse data. The major …
Read More »Military thrust for Microsatellites and nanosatellite Clusters for more resilient space architectures
Micro- and nanosatellites have emerged as a highly versatile and economical resource for the satellite community, becoming one of the major areas of development and growth. They find application in scientific research, communication, navigation and mapping, power, reconnaissance, and others including Earth observation, biological experiments, and remote sensing. There …
Read More »Underwater Communication technologies critical for submarine, AUVs and ASW operations
Approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet almost 95% of the underwater world remains unexplored. Nearly 4000 robots are swimming up and down in the world’s oceans, which allow scientists to measure and understand ocean dynamics, like the directions and speeds of currents, as well as …
Read More »Material coatings on Ships and Submarine hulls reduce drag, enhance stealth and prevent marine growth, enhancing their durability and performance
Material coatings on Ships and Submarine hulls reduce drag, enhance stealth and prevent marine growth, enhancing their durability and performance. Ship manufacturers are increasingly looking towards materials that can improve performance and increase weapons load, while reducing fuel costs, maintenance, and environmental impact. Approximately 80% of the fuel consumed by a …
Read More »Military Embedded systems technologies enter large market growth driven by geopolitical rivalry and regional tensions
An “embedded system” is a word made by shortening “computer embedded system” meaning a system product or an electronic device into which a computer has been integrated. An embedded system is a controller that sits within a larger system in order to perform a dedicated function. An embedded system is …
Read More »Graphene Bolometers emerging as high speed and sensitive Quantum photon detectors for quantum computation and quantum communication
Measurement connects the world of quantum phenomena to the world of classical events. It has both a passive role—in observing quantum systems—and an active one, in preparing quantum states and controlling them. In quantum physics, a measurement is the testing or manipulation of a physical system in order to yield …
Read More »Infrared Search and Track (IRST) emerging as preferred solution for engaging stealthy aircraft and cruise missiles
Stealth has revolutionized the Air power by vastly enhancing the penetration capabilities of fifth generation aircrafts like the F-22A Raptor developed by Lockheed Martin and Boeing, L.M. F-35 Lightning II. Stealth in military is often described to mean, all the methods, techniques and measures intended to deny or delay the …
Read More »Navy developing next generation Submarine Monitoring Network technologies for Antisubmarine warfare (ASW)
Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) has always been a game of hide and seek, with adversarial states looking to adopt and deploy emerging technologies in submarine stealth or detection to give them the strategic edge. The advantage has shifted back and forth, but, on the whole, it has proved easier to hide …
Read More »Emerging field neuromodulation, or biostimulation, or electroceuticals, is emerging as an alternative to costly chemical and biologic drugs.
The human body is electric. Peripheral nerves connect all organs to the central nervous system, and those nerves are packaged in various bundles. The vagus nerve, for example, carries about 100,000 nerve fibers. It’s also the longest nerve in the body, linking the brain to organs from the esophagus to …
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