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Monthly Archives: March 2023

DARPA DSSoC designing heterogeneous SoC for Military Radar, LIDAR and Software-defined radio (SDR)

The general-purpose computer has remained the dominant computing architecture for the last 50 years, driven largely by the relentless pace of Moore’s Law. As this trajectory shows signs of slowing, however, it has become increasingly more challenging to achieve performance gains from generalized hardware, setting the stage for a resurgence …

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Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are vulnerable to cyber attacks and need security and safety measures

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are bidirectional devices that allow communication between the brain and external systems, such as computers. Every action our body performs begins with a thought, and with every thought comes an electrical signal. The electrical signals can be received by the brain-computer interface, consisting of an electroencephalograph (EEG) …

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DARPA GECCO develop hackproof Military 5G communications

The New York Times reported  that the US government has defined 5G competition as a “new arms race.” According to the report, “whichever country dominates 5G will gain an economic, intelligence and military edge for much of this century.” The transition to 5G is a revolution and “this will be …

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China’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) provides global coverage with millimeter level accuracy

The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based radio navigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Space Force. It is one of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on …

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US Army’s Aerial Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (A-ISR) system

The “nervous system” of the military, the collection of subsystems used to maximize situational awareness, is referred to as C4ISR—command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. The primary objective of a C4ISR system is to present the overall scenario and picture of the area of interest (such as a …

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DARPA ELGAR developing sub terahertz G-Band Electronics including MMICs for emerging 6G Era

Due to the growing, insatiable thirst for information, both commercial and defense communications are driving towards increasingly higher data rates and wider bandwidths of operation. This in turn is driving systems toward higher operating frequencies, which more easily supports larger channel bandwidths. For example, today’s cellular networks (i.e., cellular networks …

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DARPA OpTIm developing room-temperature Quantum-Level Infrared Detectors

Electromagnetic energy, produced by the vibration of charged particles, travels in the form of waves through the atmosphere and the vacuum of space. These waves have different wavelengths (the distance from wave crest to wave crest) and frequencies, These two are inversely related to each other,  the shorter the wavelength, …

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High-Baud-Rate Coherent Optical Communication Systems

The explosive growth of optical communication technology in the past decades has revolutionized the telecom industry and created a global communication infrastructure with optical networks. Optical communication links and networks are essential for the Internet backbone as well as for interconnects used in data centres and high-performance computing systems. The increasing …

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Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) for beam steering, optical communications, advanced microscopy and biomedical imaging

A spatial light modulator (SLM) is a special device that can manipulate light by modulating the amplitude, phase or polarization of the light waves in the two dimensions of space and time. This means that light is manipulated in order to obtain a desired output, and SLM is commonly used …

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Distributed Coherent RF Arrays of radar, communications and Electronic warfare enable Network-Centric (NCW)

Researchers are exploring the possibilities of combining the operations of distributed mobile systems with coherence at the radio frequency (RF) level, called coherent RF arrays, and the microwave and millimeter-wave technologies necessary to get there. The term “distributed” makes explicit that either the transmission or the reception function is divided …

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