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Monthly Archives: March 2023

Active Protection Systems (APS) on Military tanks Detect, Track and Destroy Enemy RPGs and Anti-Tank Guided Missiles

The war in Ukraine has highlighted the importance of well protected armoured vehicles. The increased use of artillery weapons and precision rocket systems along with strikes against targets of opportunity using drones,  caused widespread casualties among infantry soldiers caught out in the open. Such losses are again bringing into focus …

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Telecommunications is a critical infrastructure and needs to be protected from ever increasing cyber threats

Cyber-attacks are continuously growing in size and breadth, targeting organizations of all sizes across sectors, and telecom sector is no exception. According to PwC’s Global State of Information Security, 2016, IT security incidents in the telecoms sector increased 45% in 2015 compared to the year before. The rising danger posed …

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Integrating Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) in 5G cellular networks will make it hackproof

The coming 5G standard will offer towering benefits, such as enhanced speed and performance, lower latency, and better efficiency. The 5G networks are rapidly adopting various developing technologies to provide high-speed data delivery. The 5G technology is being used in a variety of applications such as smart city, Industrial Internet …

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DARPA devloping tool to assess Risks of Crypto to National Security

Blockchain, bitcoin, crypto assets, and virtual currencies have become a whole new vocabulary describing innovative technology to swiftly transfer value around the world. Blockchain originated just over 10 years ago. Since then, virtual assets have become widely available and have started to be used as payment products. Virtual assets have …

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Military Aerospace (Aircraft ) materials trends and market growth

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the demand for air travel rose by 7.4% in 2018 from 2017 levels. Air passengers accounted for 81.9% of the load factor on aircrafts, while freight load was 49.3%, the IATA data reveals. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has created turmoil in the …

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“Future of Work” demands transformation of learning and development (L&D)

Today’s disruptive working landscape requires organizations to largely restructure the way they are doing work, which has a significant impact on the capabilities business leaders expect from their people.   As technology races ahead, skill gaps have appeared, widened and morphed.  In addition, automation may displace 85 million jobs by …

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DARPA EOLE developing AI agents for human-machine collaborative analysis of image, video, and multimedia documents

In Defense & Intelligence, milliseconds can mean everything. Real-time military analytics is the tactical edge for mission success. This is why information dominance for military operational readiness is so critical, and why the Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence communities collect and analyze so much military big data–everything from logistics, …

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DARPA SPCE improving efficiency of radiation-tolerant Power convertors for Military LEO Satellites

The space industry is set to expand to over $8.8 billion dollars by 2030 fueled by the rapid increase in the number of small satellite launches and decreased costs resulting from rideshare companies and programs   A satellite present in an orbit should be operated continuously during its life span. …

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China developing high speed and secret submarine communication systems and technologies including Quantum Key Cryptography (QKD)

The PRC has the largest navy in the world, with an overall battle force of approximately 350 ships and submarines including over 130 major surface combatants. The PLAN remains engaged in a robust shipbuilding and modernization program that includes submarines, surface combatants, amphibious warfare ships, aircraft carriers, and auxiliary ships …

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Micro- and Nanoelectronics for Quantum Technologies

Current silicon technology has steadily improved our ability to compute by increasing the number of bits and gates. Now researchers are developing Quantum technology to develop the next generation of computer communication, control, signal processing, and sensors.   Quantum technology (QT) applies quantum mechanical properties such as quantum entanglement, quantum …

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