Hypersonic refers to aircraft, missiles, rockets, and spacecraft that can reach atmospheric speeds in excess of Mach 5, which is almost 4,000 miles per hour or 6,125 kilometers per hour or more. Hypersonic flight is flight through the atmosphere below about 90 km at speeds greater than Mach 5, a …
Read More »Yearly Archives: 2022
Nanobiophotonics multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology, biomedical science, and photonics Applications
This is the age of multidisciplinary frontiers in science and technology where major breakthroughs are likely to occur at the interfaces of disciplines. Light has always fascinated mankind and since the beginning of recorded history, it has been both a subject of research and a tool for the investigation …
Read More »Photonic and Optical Coatings vital for military operations
Optical coatings are widely used in applications including architecture, consumer electronics, solar panels, automotive, medical, telecommunication, and military & defense. Optical or photonic coatings are generally used to increase the reflection, transmission, or polarization properties of a component, e.g., prisms, polarizing films, color filters, mirrors, diffraction mosaics, and refractory …
Read More »Continuous Manufacturing technology for “pharmacy on demand,”
The manufacturing of pharmaceuticals has lagged behind the research and development of new therapeutics. The same batch processes that were used over a century ago are still being used today, while other industries have moved forward with automated and continuous operations (eg, fine chemical, oil, gas, and food industries) …
Read More »Missile manufacturing
In military terminology, a missile is a guided airborne ranged weapon capable of self-propelled flight usually by a jet engine or rocket motor. Missiles have five system components: targeting, guidance system, flight system, engine, and warhead. Missiles come in types adapted for different purposes: surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles (ballistic, cruise, …
Read More »Aircrafts and Rockets for global military logistics, space travel, asteroids and moon mining
Multiple countries are developing the ability to mine in space, specifically on the moon and on asteroids. The moon stands out as a nearby example of what will soon be the site of regular operations. The moon is home to hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of natural resources, including helium-3, …
Read More »Military tactical trucks seeing advanced capabilities and technologies
Military trucks are designed to carry personnel, equipment and supplies to support operations. Military trucks come in different sizes and with diverse capabilities. They range from adapted commercial trucks to purpose-built heavy tactical vehicles tailored for a wide range of applications. Operating military trucks in challenging and dangerous environments requires …
Read More »Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) provides last chance Defense for Naval ships
A close-in weapon system (CIWS), is a point-defense weapon for detecting and destroying short-range incoming missiles and enemy aircraft which have penetrated the outer defenses, typically mounted shipboard in a naval capacity. Nearly all classes of modern warship are equipped with some kind of CIWS device. CIWS Systems There …
Read More »China J-20 stealth fighter’s combat missions in the South China Sea, advancing China’s A2/AD strategy
China’s progress toward military superpower status continues to accelerate. According to the latest one, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) now ranks as the third-largest air force in the world with 2,250 combat aircraft. The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is the world’s largest, with 355 ships and submarines. …
Read More »Infrared Metamaterial Absorber
Metamaterials are artificial materials composed of periodic or aperiodic structures to have extraordinary electromagnetic characterizations. By properly tailoring the feature size of metamaterial, it can be realized electro-optic devices spanning the wavelength range from microwave, infrared (IR), visible to ultraviolet (UV) caused from the transformation optics. In view of …
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