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Monthly Archives: August 2022

Emerging Quantum data centers

Quantum computing has the potential to create new machines that can vastly exceed the capabilities of today’s most powerful supercomputers. A quantum computer harnesses quantum mechanics to deliver huge leaps forward in processing power. Instead of the binary bits used by digital computers, quantum computers use qubits – subatomic particles …

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Molecular electronics for Next generation military signal processing, data storage, and communication devices

As the complexity and volume of global digital data grow, so too does the need for more capable and compact means of processing and storing data. At present, traditional electronic devices based on semiconductor materials face severe challenges, not only technical and technological limitations but also key theoretical limitations.   …

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Hardware verification, testing and validation

Design in any discipline – electronics, mechanical, aerospace, etc. – begins with a specification that captures what the end product should do and essentially drives the entire development cycle.  Verification is intended to check that a product, service, or system meets a set of design specifications. Validation is intended to …

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Cyberwarfare among US, China and Russia driving Secure Internets cyber technologies

Cyber warfare has developed into a more sophisticated type of combat between countries, where you can destroy critical infrastructure such as power, telecommunications or banking by damaging the computer systems that control those infrastructures. It’s widely acknowledged that offensive cyberattacks will be a necessary component of any future military campaign, …

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Product Requirements Document (PRD)

The Product Requirements Document or PRD describes all aspects of a new idea required or desired to make its realization a success. The PRD is the bridge between the often vague project briefing and the highly detailed engineering implementation plan. It is also known as the Program Of Requirements (POR), …

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Ultra accurate Optical clocks to enable GPS with centimeter-level location accuracy and distributed engagement and surveillance DOD architecture

Phones and other GPS-enabled devices pinpoint your location on Earth by contacting at least four satellites bearing atomic clocks. Each of these satellites provides a time stamp, and the system calculates your location based on the relative differences among those times. The accuracy of GPS Navigation is primary degraded due …

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DARPA ROCkN optical atomic clocks will enable multidomain synchronization among various platforms, multi vehicle swarms

Synchronizing modern electronic systems such as the Internet and GPS navigation is currently done using microwave atomic clocks that measure time based on the frequency of natural vibrations of cesium atoms. Those vibrations occur at microwave frequencies that can easily be used in electronic systems.   Optical atomic clocks will …

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Russia’s DARPA, the Advanced Research Foundation aims breakthrough high-risk research and development

Emerging technologies such as space technology; 5G, Cloud computing, IoT, “big data” analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, photonics, materials, nanotechnology; biotechnology; and quantum computing, have significant potential to create, significant social, economic, and military benefits. Therefore countries led by US, China and Russia are spending billions of dollars on them to gain …

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Cloud-Network-Device Convergence

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. Companies that provide cloud services enable users to store files and applications on remote servers and then access all the data via the Internet. Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of reasons …

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Optical Metamaterials enter commercial phase enabling super-resolution imaging to cloaking

Metamaterials are artificially structured materials designed to control and manipulate physical phenomena such as light and other electromagnetic waves, sound waves and seismic waves in unconventional ways, resulting in exotic behavior that’s not found in nature. This class of micro- and nano-structured artificial media are predicted to be able to protect …

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