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Monthly Archives: August 2020

DARPA’s Invisible Headlights program developing passive Infrared technologies for military autonomous systems to navigate in pitch dark and caves

A new programme from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) aims to address a key weakness of autonomous and semi-autonomous land systems: the need for active illumination to navigate in low-light conditions.   Accurate position and attitude information of the vehicle as well as the ability to detection static …

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New food technologies to enhance soldier perfomance for success in military operations.

With nutritional status being central to success in battle, food technology has long been considered an enabler for military operations. Food technology has been instrumental in ensuring that troops remain “fit to fight”. Early military leaders realised that how well their men were fed played a crucial role in success …

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Global threat of landmines and IED require new IED neutralization technologies

IED’s have become an extremely significant and dangerous force protection issue in the wake of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and the Global War on Terror (GWOT). Insurgents and terrorists are using a variety of asymmetric techniques to attack militarily superior coalition forces with military ordnance components combined with commercial off …

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New detection technologies tracking terrorists through thick concrete, underground tunnels, and caves

In April  2017, the U.S. military dropped the most powerful non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat on a tunnel complex in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province. The airstrike targeted the Islamic State’s Khorasan branch. The use of the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast weapon, the so-called “Mother of All Bombs,” highlighted the …

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Threat of Privacy death requires Privacy by Design Approach and emerging security technologies including Differential privacy

Significant technological advances are being made across a range of fields, including information communications technology (ICT); artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in terms of machine learning and robotics; nanotechnology; space technology; biotechnology; and quantum computing. These advances promise significant social and economic benefits, increased efficiency, and enhanced productivity across a host …

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Militaries employing UAV swarms under Network Centric Electronic Warfare concept to counter A2/AD environment

All modern forces depend on unimpeded access to, and use of, the EM spectrum in conducting military operations. Therefore, there is a requirement to gain and maintain an advantage in the electromagnetic spectrum by countering adversary’s systems and protecting one’s own systems.  Electronic Warfare has become now a means to …

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Autonomous take-off and Landing technologies to allow UAVs to operated in tactical battlefield and integrate into National Air Space

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ( commonly known as a drone) is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. UAVs are a component of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS); which include a UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of communications between the two. The flight of UAVs may …

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DARPA’s AtmoSense to employ Atmosphere as Global Sensor for measuring thunderstorms, tornadoes, volcanos, and tsunamis for military operations

Sensors are usually thought of in terms of physical devices that receive and respond to electromagnetic signals – from everyday sensors in our smartphones and connected home appliances to more advanced sensors in buildings, cars, airplanes and spacecraft. However present day physical sensors are severely limited in range to continuously …

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Rapid rise in drone operations and cyber threats require safety and security solutions, secure hardware and software technologies and standards

Drones are increasingly making an impact on society and economy. Drones are used by the military for intelligence gathering, anti-aircraft target practice, and also for weapons platforms. They are also used for many civilian roles such as agricultural surveillance, mapping, tracking, search and rescue, traffic monitoring, firefighting, weather monitoring, engineering …

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Countries developing new, longer range and lethal heavyweight torpedos fired by ultraquiet submarines to kill adversaries

Torpedoes are self-propelled guided projectiles that operate underwater and are designed to detonate on contact or in proximity to a target. For the U.S. Navy, the modern torpedo enables submarines to defeat surface and undersea threats and gives surface ships and aircraft the means to reach beneath the surface and …

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