China, Russia and North Korea are looking to develop their submarine fleets . Russia is seeking to further bolster its sub-surface capabilities, with new generations of conventional and nuclear propulsion submarines, which promise to be significantly more difficult to detect and track for western naval forces. This includes the Yasen, …
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USS Gerald Ford, the Navy’s Most Powerful Aircraft Carrier Ever with enhanced power projection capability in anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) environment is nearing completion
In 2009, the U.S. Navy began construction of the first new type of aircraft carrier in nearly thirty-five years. The Navy refers to its newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, as “4.5 acres of sovereign U.S. territory. Gerald R. Ford is a class of supercarriers being built to …
Read More »Countries accelerating the transfer of military technology to commercial sector through accelerators and military-civilian integration
Many commercial technologies we use today can be traced to military from aircrafts to nuclear power, from semiconductors to computers. Duct tape was invented to protect ammunition cases from water during World War II. The internet grew out of a military research project. Navigation devices, such as Google Maps, rely on …
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