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Co-operative Perception (CP) for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have received extensive attention in recent years as a rapidly emerging and disruptive technology to improve safety and efficiency of current road transportation systems. Most of the existing and under development AVs rely on local sensors, such as cameras and lidars, to perceive the environment and interact …

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Urban Warfare and urban terrorism are the greatest future security threat, require new tactics and technologies being developed and tested

Cities have become the new battleground and Hybrid or Urban Warfare the greatest threat being waged by ISIS to Boko Haram to Hamas to Ukraine rebels.  Boko Haram is carrying out its urban terror campaign against the Nigerian Army and its allies. In the Paris attacks, two teams of lightly armed …

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Software modem

Conventional modem designs can be termed as ‘fixed-function’ modems ‘ because almost all modem functionality in these modems are implemented in silicon resulting in large die sizes and limited flexibility. As the number and complexity of air interfaces increase, so does the challenge involved in planning, designing, manufacturing, testing and …

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