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New electronic components and materials for extreme environments like Hypersonic flight , Planetary exploration and Military Systems

“Electronics have dramatically changed the way we live, conduct business, communicate, and educate. Visions of the future foretell of ubiquitous computing and sensing. However, the environments in which electronics can reliably operate are limited. In consumer applications, typical operating temperatures range from -40° to 85°C. The “wider” military temperature range …

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The shortages of cyber warriors are driving Militaries to recruit geek armies to complement their cyber force.

The incidents of cyberwarfare are ever increasing, targeting more and more countries and becoming legitimate. Part of the Ukrainian power grid was attacked by hackers, causing blackouts; US accused Iranians of attempting to hack into the control-system of a dam.  Russia was also suspected for cyber-attack on Turkey following the …

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New Materials for Warships include carbon and glass fibre, aluminium, syntactic foam, copper and graphene

To date, different types of carbon and alloy steels have proved to be the main materials of choice for naval ship construction around the world. While composites, titanium and aluminium alloys have been utilized for making hulls of smaller vessels such as patrol boats, these materials do not meet the …

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