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Software is becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks, CVE identifies common vulnerabilities exploited by state and nonstate actors

In computer security, a vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in a system or network that could be exploited by a threat actor, such as an attacker, to manipulate or cause damage to the system in some way.  To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool …

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Developing and Implementing a Effective procurement planing and Strategic Sourcing Strategy

Procurement comprises all activities and processes involved in acquiring needed goods and services from external parties. This may include everything from office supplies, furniture, and facilities to heavy equipment, consulting services, and testing and training.   Procurement management follows a logical order. First, you plan what you need to contract; …

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DARPA’s MIDAS developing Digital Phased-Arrays at Millimeter Wave technology for fiber-optic-class 100 Gb/s communications for airborne data links

Expanded mission areas and the implementation of additional data routing resulting from future warfighting capabilities place more demand on data distribution services in the form of higher data bandwidths and reduced latencies. These demands require improvements in Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum utilization and advances in antenna technologies. Digital array antenna …

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