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Exploring the World’s Most Advanced Telescopes: From Earth to Cislunar Space

Telescopes, those remarkable instruments that unlock the mysteries of the universe, have come a long way since their inception. They serve as our eyes in the cosmos, allowing us to peer into the far reaches of space and unravel the secrets of celestial bodies. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through the most groundbreaking developments in the world of telescopes, spanning optical, infrared, and radio observatories, all the way to the emerging frontier of Cislunar Space.

Telescopes: From Astronomy Enthusiast to Space Observer – A Comprehensive Guide

The Journey of Telescopes: From Earth to Space

Optical Telescopes: Our Window to the Visible Universe

A telescope is an optical instrument using lenses, curved mirrors, or a combination of both to observe distant objects, or various devices used to observe distant objects by their emission, absorption, or reflection of electromagnetic radiation.

Optical telescopes have been the cornerstone of astronomical observation, using lenses, mirrors, or a combination of both to gather and focus light. These telescopes primarily operate within the visible spectrum, but some extend their reach into the infrared and ultraviolet regions. Their ability to magnify distant objects has made them indispensable for centuries.

However, the Earth’s atmosphere presents challenges, such as limiting observations to narrow spectral bands and causing image blurring due to atmospheric turbulence. Ground-based telescopes are often hindered by these factors, but space-based telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope have overcome these limitations, delivering crystal-clear images and enabling discoveries far beyond our planet.

Telescope Classification

Telescope performance is largely determined by its aperture, which is the diameter of its primary optical component. A larger aperture enhances the telescope’s light-gathering ability, producing brighter images and improving resolution, or image sharpness. Telescopes come in various designs, including:

  • Refracting Telescopes: Use lenses to form images.
  • Reflecting Telescopes: Employ mirrors to gather and focus light.
  • Catadioptric Telescopes: Combine both mirrors and lenses.

Telescopes may be classified by the wavelengths of light they detect:

  • X-ray telescopes, using shorter wavelengths than ultraviolet light
  • Ultraviolet telescopes, using shorter wavelengths than visible light
  • Optical telescopes, using visible light
  • Infrared telescopes, using longer wavelengths than visible light
  • Submillimetre telescopes, using microwave wavelengths that are longer than those of infrared light
  • Radio telescopes that use even longer wavelengths

Telescopes can be categorized based on their location, which includes ground-based telescopes, space telescopes, and flying telescopes. The Earth’s atmosphere, while essential for our survival, poses limitations on astronomical observations. It only allows electromagnetic waves in the optical part of the spectrum (waves longer than X-rays and shorter than radio waves) to pass through in a few narrow spectral bands. The broadest of these bands roughly corresponds to the colors of visible light, while waves in the adjacent ultraviolet and infrared regions are almost entirely absorbed by the atmosphere. Additionally, atmospheric turbulence causes blurring, compromising the quality of images captured by ground-based telescopes.

One significant advantage of space telescopes, like the Hubble Space Telescope, is their immunity to the blurring effects of atmospheric turbulence. This feature enables them to capture much sharper images of celestial objects compared to ground-based telescopes, even when observing at the same wavelengths.

The Space Telescope can achieve a maximum spatial resolution of approximately one-tenth of an arc-second, a remarkable tenfold improvement over ground-based instruments, allowing for more detailed observations of extended celestial objects. Furthermore, space telescopes have the potential to observe stars that are approximately seven times farther from the solar system than currently possible. This advantage has been recognized for some time, and over the past few decades, remote telescopes placed above the atmosphere on suborbital rockets, high-altitude balloons, and artificial Earth satellites have yielded significant findings, reshaping our understanding of the universe’s structure and evolution.

Telescope Technology

Telescope technology is primarily defined by its aperture, the diameter of its main optical component, whether it’s a lens or a mirror. The aperture plays a critical role in determining two fundamental aspects of a telescope’s performance: its light-gathering ability, which dictates how bright the resulting image appears, and its resolving power, which determines the sharpness of the image.

Telescopes come in various designs, with the three main types being refracting telescopes, reflecting telescopes, and catadioptric telescopes. Refracting telescopes employ lenses to form images, while reflecting telescopes use arrangements of mirrors for this purpose. Catadioptric telescopes combine both mirrors and lenses to create images.

In the realm of radio astronomy, radio telescopes function as directional radio antennas. They typically feature large dishes designed to collect radio waves. These dishes may consist of a conductive wire mesh with openings smaller than the observed wavelength. Unlike optical telescopes, which produce magnified images of the observed sky patch, a traditional radio telescope dish records a single time-varying signal characteristic of the observed region. Some modern radio telescope designs incorporate multiple receivers within a single dish, forming a focal-plane array.

To achieve high-resolution images, radio astronomy utilizes arrays of multiple dishes, known as astronomical interferometers, employing a technique called aperture synthesis. By simultaneously collecting and correlating signals from several dishes, astronomers can compute detailed images. These arrays create “virtual” apertures, and their size is comparable to the distances between the telescopes. Notably, space-based Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) telescopes, like the Japanese HALCA VSOP satellite, have achieved record-breaking array sizes, significantly surpassing the Earth’s diameter.

Aperture synthesis techniques are now extending to optical telescopes as well, employing optical interferometers and aperture masking interferometry to enhance their capabilities. This advancement promises to provide astronomers with even greater precision in observing the cosmos.

The European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT)

Set to revolutionize optical astronomy, the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), located atop Cerro Armazones in Chile, will be the world’s largest optical/near-infrared telescope upon completion in 2024. One of the critical challenges for ground-based optical telescopes is the Earth’s atmosphere, which limits observations to narrow spectral bands. However, the upcoming European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), set to be completed in 2024 atop Cerro Armazones in northern Chile, aims to revolutionize optical astronomy.

  • Main Mirror: With a mammoth 39-meter main mirror, the E-ELT will be the largest optical/near-infrared telescope globally, surpassing all existing optical research telescopes combined.
  • Advanced Optics: Its advanced optics will correct for atmospheric distortion, producing images 16 times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • Scientific Objectives: The E-ELT will delve into a range of astronomical studies, from exoplanets to dark matter and energy.

Among the E-ELT’s primary instruments will be:

· HARMONI (High Angular Resolution Monolithic Optical and Near-infrared Integral) field spectrograph—which will function as the telescope’s workhorse instrument for spectroscopy in the wavelength range 0.47–2.45 µm. HARMONI will be optimized to exploit the best image quality delivered from a post-focal laser tomographic adaptive optics module.

· MAORY (Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics Relay)—an adaptive optics module designed to help compensate for distortions caused by turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere. MAORY is designed to work with the imaging camera MICADO to provide stable and sharp images across a large field of view in the near-infrared (wavelengths from 0.8–2.4µm) to allow scientists to make precise measurements of the positions, brightness and motions of stars.

· METIS (Mid-infrared E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph)—which will use the 39-meter main mirror of the telescope to focus on exoplanets, proto-planetary disks, Solar System bodies, active galactic nuclei and high-redshift infrared galaxies.

As with the telescope’s secondary mirror blank, the ELT main mirror segments are made from the low-expansion ceramic material Zerodur©  from SCHOTT.The observatory will use advanced optics to compensate for atmospheric distortion and expected to produce images 16 times sharper than the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. The telescope is designed to tackle a wide variety of challenging astronomical studies, including detailed studies of subjects including planets around other stars, nearby galaxies, supermassive black holes, and the nature and distribution of the dark matter and dark energy which dominate the universe.

Astronomers expect at least two of the E-ELT instruments will include a coronagraph that will be used to block out a star’s light in order to directly image and characterize earthlike extrasolar planets in habitable zones around their parent stars. This should enable measure of their physical properties, including their atmospheres.

“The E-ELT will produce discoveries that we simply cannot imagine today, and it will inspire people around the world to think about science, technology and our place in the universe,” says Tim de Zeeuw, ESO’s director general.

Infrared Insights: The James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) heralds a new era in infrared astronomy. As the most massive optical telescope in space, its advanced infrared capabilities enable it to observe objects too early, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope.

Key Features of JWST

  • Primary Mirror: JWST boasts an 18-segment gold-plated beryllium primary mirror, spanning 6.5 meters compared with Hubble’s 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in). This gives JWST a light-collecting area of about 25 square meters, about six times that of Hubble. Unlike Hubble, which observes in the near ultraviolet and visible (0.1 to 0.8 μm), and near infrared (0.8–2.5 μm) spectra, JWST observes in a lower frequency range, from long-wavelength visible light (red) through mid-infrared (0.6–28.3 μm).
  • Infrared Observation: Operating at lower frequencies, from red visible light to mid-infrared, it is crucial for studying the first stars, galaxies, and potentially habitable exoplanets.
  • Deployment: Launched on December 25, 2021, and positioned at the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange point, the JWST is equipped with a five-layer sunshield that maintains a frigid temperature below 50 K, ensuring its infrared sensitivity remains unhindered. The telescope must be kept extremely cold, below 50 K (−223 °C; −370 °F), such that the infrared light emitted by the telescope itself does not interfere with the collected light. It is deployed in a solar orbit near the Sun–Earth L2 Lagrange point— a gravitationally stable location in space, about 1.5 million kilometers (930,000 mi) from Earth, where its five-layer sunshield protects it from warming by the Sun, Earth, and Moon.

Webb’s first full-color images of deep space released. On July 11, 2022, NASA released the first full-color images of deep space taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. These images include the Carina Nebula, the Stephan’s Quintet, and SMACS 0723. The images are stunning and have captured the imagination of people around the world.

Webb discovers methane and carbon dioxide in atmosphere of K2-18b. This exoplanet is 8.6 times as massive as Earth and is located in the habitable zone of its star, meaning it could potentially support liquid water on its surface. The discovery of methane and carbon dioxide is a strong indication that K2-18b has an atmosphere, and it is possible that this atmosphere could be habitable.

Webb reveals new structures within iconic supernova SN 1987A. This supernova was first observed in 1987 and is one of the most well-studied supernovae in history. Webb’s observations have revealed new details about the structure of the supernova remnant, including a ring of gas and dust that is expanding at high speed.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has made a significant discovery in its first year of operation, revealing a large number of faint, red dots in the distant universe that are actually small, extremely massive black holes. These red dots, previously undetectable by telescopes like Hubble, challenge existing theories about the formation and evolution of supermassive black holes. The discovery, made by scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and published in The Astrophysical Journal, underscores the JWST’s extraordinary sensitivity and its potential to reshape our understanding of the universe’s history.

Radio Telescopes: Capturing the Universe’s Whispers

Radio telescopes, like the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in China, harness radio waves from space, revealing celestial objects such as gas clouds, galaxies, and quasars.

Radio telescopes are essential tools in astronomy for detecting and studying radio waves emitted by celestial objects such as galaxies, gas clouds, and quasars. However, by the time these cosmic radio emissions reach Earth, they become extremely weak. To capture these faint signals, astronomers use large and highly sensitive radio dishes that act as collectors to gather and focus the radio waves onto receivers for analysis. The challenge lies in the fact that these large radio dishes are not only sensitive to cosmic radio waves but also to various forms of radio-frequency interference (RFI) generated by human-made sources. These sources include cell phones, satellites, radar systems, electrical devices, and household appliances, all of which emit radio waves that can potentially obscure or distort the astronomical data collected by radio telescopes.

To mitigate the effects of RFI, astronomers strategically place radio telescopes in remote and isolated locations, far from human activities and sources of interference. These carefully chosen sites, which can include the mountains of West Virginia, the deserts of Chile, or the remote outback of Australia, offer minimal background noise from RFI. By doing so, scientists ensure that they can focus on capturing the faint and valuable radio emissions from the universe, allowing for more accurate and meaningful astronomical observations and discoveries.

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST)

FAST, nestled in Guizhou, is a colossal engineering marvel with a 500-meter dish and active surface panels that reshape its reflective surface to scan the sky. Located in a natural basin in Guizhou, China, FAST is the world’s largest and most sensitive single-dish radio telescope. An engineering marvel, its 500-meter dish can detect incredibly faint signals, making it 20 times more sensitive than Australia’s Murriyang telescope at the Parkes Radio Observatory. FAST’s novel design features an active surface of 4,500 movable panels, which allows the telescope to change its focal point by deforming the reflective surface, enabling it to observe different parts of the sky.

  • Advanced Engineering: It can detect signals from distant exoplanets and serves as a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
  • Signal Sensitivity: FAST isn’t alone; the radio astronomy community is also exploring aperture synthesis. Arrays like the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) satellite project, employing space-based telescopes, push the limits of resolution and signal collection.

FAST sifts through enormous amounts of data, producing detailed charts of incoming radio signals that are analyzed for potential technosignatures. In its first year of operation, FAST discovered 44 new pulsars, including its first two in August 2017. This telescope is a critical tool in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), using its vast capabilities to observe signals at wavelengths ranging from 10 cm to 4.3 m.

China’s Solar Observation Breakthrough: The Daocheng Solar Radio Telescope (DSRT)

In a groundbreaking achievement in the field of solar observation, China has initiated trial operations for the world’s largest array of sun-monitoring radio telescopes. This monumental endeavor, known as the Daocheng Solar Radio Telescope (DSRT), is located in the picturesque setting of Daocheng County, within the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, Southwest China.

The DSRT boasts an impressive assembly of 313 meticulously crafted dishes, each with a remarkable diameter of 19.7 feet (6 meters). These dishes are ingeniously arranged to form a colossal ring, spanning an astonishing circumference of 1.95 miles (3.14 kilometers). At the heart of this radiant circle stands a towering calibration structure, reaching a remarkable height of 328 feet (100 meters).

The journey towards the DSRT’s commencement has been a rigorous one, involving six months of rigorous debugging and testing. These efforts have been pivotal in demonstrating the array’s remarkable ability to consistently and reliably monitor solar activity with an unparalleled level of precision. On July 14, 2023, the DSRT embarked on its official trial operations, marking a momentous milestone in the realm of solar observation, as reported by CCTV News.

The significance of the DSRT lies in its capacity to simulate the effect of an immensely larger telescope. This is achieved by harnessing electromagnetic radiation from the sun through the collective efforts of its multitude of dishes. These signals are then skillfully amalgamated, with the subsequent application of sophisticated mathematical algorithms to reconstruct high-resolution images of the sun’s surface.

DSRT comprises 313 dishes arranged in a colossal ring, offering unprecedented precision in monitoring solar activity.

  • Objective: To observe solar flares and coronal mass ejections, contributing to space weather research.
  • Impact: DSRT will advance our understanding of the Sun’s behavior, pulsars, fast radio bursts, and asteroid tracking, marking a new era in solar science.

Situated on the elevated plateau of Daocheng County, the DSRT assumes a pivotal role as it continuously monitors the sun. Its primary objectives include the observation of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), phenomena of profound importance in the realm of solar science. Beyond this, the DSRT will be instrumental in advancing research endeavors pertaining to the monitoring and early warning systems for pulsars, fast radio bursts, and the tracking of asteroids, thus contributing significantly to the broader understanding of space and celestial events.

The monumental undertaking that is the DSRT is a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of the scientific community in China. Developed under the auspices of the National Space Science Center, a subsidiary of the prestigious Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), this monumental array forms an integral part of the Meridian Project on space weather monitoring, a cornerstone in China’s national science and technology infrastructure.

The DSRT’s inauguration into the realm of solar observation signals a new era of discovery and understanding of our sun’s behavior. As the world watches in anticipation, the DSRT is poised to uncover the mysteries of our nearest star, shedding light on the dynamic forces that govern the solar system and its influence on our planet. It stands as a testament to human achievement and the pursuit of knowledge, offering a promising glimpse into the limitless potential of scientific exploration.

As trial operations begin, we eagerly await the transformative insights that the DSRT is set to provide, opening windows into the enigmatic world of the sun and the celestial wonders that surround it.

China’s Powerful New Telescope Will Search for Exploding Stars

China has recently completed construction on a powerful new telescope that will search for exploding stars. China’s Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) is located in the Qinghai Province in western China and is the largest telescope of its kind in the Northern Hemisphere. The WFST is designed to capture images of large areas of the sky, allowing scientists to study the distribution and evolution of galaxies, as well as to search for rare and transient events such as supernovae. The WFST is expected to begin its scientific operations in 2024.

The WFST is a 2.5-meter wide-field survey telescope with a field of view of 2.5 square degrees. The WFST is also equipped with a near-infrared camera, which will allow it to observe objects that are red or obscured by dust. The WFST has a number of scientific goals, including mapping the Milky Way, searching for supernovae, and studying transient phenomena.

The WFST is expected to have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. By providing a new view of the night sky, the WFST will help scientists to make new discoveries and solve long-standing mysteries. The WFST is also a major milestone for Chinese astronomy. China has been investing heavily in astronomy in recent years, and the WFST is one of the fruits of this investment. China is now a major player in international astronomy, and the WFST is a testament to the country’s scientific and technological prowess.

Cislunar Space: Extending the Frontiers of Space Situational Awareness (SSA)

As we push the boundaries of space exploration, cislunar space – the region between Earth and the Moon – is emerging as a strategic location for advanced telescopes. Here, telescopes can benefit from reduced interference from Earth’s atmosphere and artificial light, while still being close enough for easier maintenance and upgrades compared to deep-space missions.

1. The Lunar Gateway Telescope

NASA’s Lunar Gateway, an outpost planned to orbit the Moon, could serve as a platform for a next-generation space telescope. This location would provide a stable environment for observations, with reduced gravitational interference and a clear view of both deep space and the Moon itself. Such a telescope could study the early universe, the solar system’s outer planets, and even Earth’s climate from a unique vantage point.

2. The Moon-Based Infrared Telescope (MBIT)

There are also proposals for telescopes placed directly on the lunar surface. The Moon’s far side offers a radio-quiet environment, free from Earth’s radio emissions, making it an ideal location for a radio or infrared telescope. The MBIT would be capable of observing the universe in infrared wavelengths, potentially uncovering new insights into the early stages of cosmic evolution.

Space Situational Awareness (SSA)

On the military front, Space Situational Awareness (SSA) is a critical component of national security. Defined by the U.S. Strategic Command, SSA involves the comprehensive surveillance, reconnaissance, and analysis of space events, threats, activities, and conditions. This encompasses the monitoring of all space objects, terrestrial support systems, and environmental effects such as solar storms and meteor showers.

SSA relies on a network of radars and electro-optical sensors. Low-altitude debris is tracked by radar ground stations, while optical ground stations monitor high-altitude debris. However, optical telescopes face challenges, such as limited visibility during daylight and difficulty observing objects between the Earth and the sun. Space-based sensors offer closer observations but still face limitations when targeting objects near the sun.

The U.S. Space Force, in collaboration with the Australian government, has assembled a Space Surveillance Telescope (SST) at a new facility in Western Australia, expected to begin operations in 2022. Originally tested at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the SST is capable of scanning the entire sky multiple times each night, recording objects in geosynchronous orbits to magnitudes as faint as 19.5. However, the system’s high cost poses challenges for widespread deployment.

The U.S. Air Force operates two major telescope sites to advance SSA technologies: the Starfire Optical Range (SOR) in New Mexico and the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site in Hawaii. These sites feature some of the world’s premier adaptive optics telescopes, capable of tracking satellites and providing clear views of space objects by reducing atmospheric turbulence.

With recent developments in space exploration, such as the renewed moon race and asteroid mining, cislunar space—the region extending from Earth to the Moon—has become the next “high ground” that requires monitoring and control. As space competition intensifies and militarization extends into this domain, militaries are expanding their SSA efforts to cover the entire space between Earth and the Moon, ensuring they maintain superiority in this critical area of deep space.

As humanity’s aspirations extend beyond Earth, space situational awareness (SSA) is taking on new dimensions. SSA encompasses tracking space objects, discerning intent, and monitoring our own assets. To accomplish this, various ground-based and space-based sensors are employed.

Space Surveillance Telescope (SST)

For instance, the U.S.-developed Space Surveillance Telescope (SST) is a pioneering space situational awareness asset, offering rapid sky scanning and tracking of objects down to magnitude 19.5.

  • Advanced Tracking: SST offers rapid sky scanning and tracking of objects down to magnitude 19.5.
  • Space-Based Sensors: The trend is shifting toward space-based sensors, which offer a unique vantage point. These sensors can detect, collect data, and track man-made space objects from deep space to low Earth orbits (LEO).
  • Cislunar Space Monitoring: Understanding this region is crucial as it becomes a position of advantage for lunar exploration and space endeavors.

Conclusion: The Future of Astronomy

The advancement of telescopes from Earth-based observatories to cislunar space marks a new chapter in our exploration of the universe. These powerful instruments allow us to see further and more clearly than ever before, providing unprecedented opportunities to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos. With groundbreaking observatories like the E-ELT, JWST, and FAST, we are on the cusp of new discoveries. As our presence extends to Cislunar Space, SSA becomes paramount, ensuring that we navigate this celestial frontier safely and responsibly. As we continue to develop and deploy these cutting-edge telescopes, we are not only expanding our knowledge of the universe but also pushing the boundaries of human ingenuity and exploration. The future of astronomy is bright, and the stars have never been closer. In conclusion, telescopes have evolved from humble beginnings to become powerful tools, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.



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About Rajesh Uppal

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