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Unleashing Geothermal Power: The Clean Energy Revolution Powered by Breakthrough Technologies

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, renewable energy sources have taken center stage. While solar and wind power have dominated the clean energy landscape, another mighty contender is poised to make a big breakout: geothermal energy. With recent breakthrough technologies, geothermal power is emerging as a viable, clean, and sustainable energy source. This article explores the potential of geothermal energy and how breakthrough technologies are driving a clean energy revolution.


Geothermal power is a renewable energy source that can be used to generate electricity, heat water, and provide space heating and cooling. Geothermal power is a clean and sustainable energy source that does not produce greenhouse gases. Geothermal power is a reliable energy source that can be used to generate electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Geothermal power is a cost-competitive energy source that can be used to replace fossil fuels.


The global geothermal power market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% from 2022 to 2028. The growth of the market is being driven by the increasing demand for renewable energy sources, the rising cost of fossil fuels, and the government support for the development of geothermal power projects.


Understanding Geothermal Power

Geothermal energy harnesses the heat trapped beneath the Earth’s surface. This renewable resource taps into the natural warmth generated by the Earth’s core and the continuous decay of radioactive materials. By drilling wells into geothermal reservoirs, we can extract this heat and convert it into electricity or direct-use applications such as heating and cooling.


The earth’s core is composed of three layers; the outer silicate and solid crust, a highly viscous mantle, and a liquid outer core. The outer core consists of extremely hot magma or melted rock wrapping around a solid iron center known as the inner core. The molten core of the Earth, about 4,000 miles down, is roughly as hot as the surface of the sun, over 6,000°C, or 10,800°F.  The heat is continuously replenished by the decay of naturally occurring radioactive elements, at a flow rate of roughly 30 terawatts, almost double all human energy consumption. That process is expected to continue for billions of years.


It’s clean and sustainable. It’s a renewable energy source, meaning it’s inexhaustible to humans. The ARPA-E project AltaRock Energy estimates that “just 0.1% of the heat content of Earth could supply humanity’s total energy needs for 2 million years.” There’s enough energy in the Earth’s crust, just a few miles down, to power all of human civilization for generations to come. All we have to do is tap into it.


It can be used at a large scale (utility-level) to generate electricity, but also at a smaller scale in homes and businesses in order to provide heating and cooling, It’s also a green source of energy, meaning it does not emit greenhouse gasses that are hazardous to human and environmental health.


Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth’s surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma. The direct use of the heat where it breaks the surface, in the form of hot springs, geysers, and fumaroles (steam vents near volcanic activity) have been exploited since the earliest humans. The warm water can be used for bathing or washing, and the heat for cooking.

varieties of geothermal energy

Slightly more sophisticated is tapping into naturally occurring reservoirs of geothermal heat close to the surface to heat buildings. Almost everywhere, the shallow ground or upper 10 feet of the Earth’s surface maintains a nearly constant temperature between 50° and 60°F (10° and 16°C). Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings. A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building. In the winter, the heat pump removes heat from the heat exchanger and pumps it into the indoor air delivery system. In the summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump moves heat from the indoor air into the heat exchanger. The heat removed from the indoor air during the summer can also be used to provide a free source of hot water.


Wells can be drilled into underground reservoirs for the generation of electricity. Some geothermal power plants use the steam from a reservoir to power a turbine/generator, while others use the hot water to boil a working fluid that vaporizes and then turns a turbine. Hot water near the surface of Earth can be used directly for heat. Direct-use applications include heating buildings, growing plants in greenhouses, drying crops, heating water at fish farms, and several industrial processes such as pasteurizing milk.


Hot dry rock resources occur at depths of 3 to 5 miles everywhere beneath the Earth’s surface and at lesser depths in certain areas. Access to these resources involves injecting cold water down one well, circulating it through hot fractured rock, and drawing off the heated water from another well. Currently, there are no commercial applications of this technology. Existing technology also does not yet allow recovery of heat directly from magma, the very deep and most powerful resource of geothermal energy.


The Benefits of Geothermal Energy:

Geothermal is the only readily dispatched source of renewable energy. While wind and solar energy production is variable, geothermal energy is essentially always available. And, without loss, production levels can be adjusted as a function of demand from zero to the capacity of the respective developed resources. As electric power grids become more distributed and as the other fluctuating renewable energy sources provide larger percentages of the total supply capacity, this inherent quality of geothermal energy will become increasingly more valuable.


Clean and Emission-Free: Geothermal energy is a prime example of a clean and emission-free energy source. Unlike fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, geothermal power produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions when generating electricity or providing heat. By utilizing geothermal energy, we can significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, helping to combat climate change and improve air quality.

Renewable and Sustainable: Geothermal energy derives its power from the Earth’s internal heat, which is constantly replenished. The Earth’s heat is a renewable and sustainable resource, unlike finite fossil fuel reserves that are rapidly depleting. Geothermal power plants can harness this naturally occurring heat for decades, making it a reliable and long-term solution for meeting our energy needs.

Baseload Power: One of the key advantages of geothermal energy is its ability to provide baseload power. Unlike solar and wind power, which are intermittent and reliant on weather conditions, geothermal energy operates continuously and can provide a stable and reliable source of electricity. This baseload power capability complements the variability of renewable sources, contributing to a more balanced and resilient energy grid.

Localized Development: Geothermal power plants can be strategically located near energy demand centers, reducing the need for long-distance transmission of electricity. This localized development has several benefits. Firstly, it helps minimize transmission losses, ensuring that a higher percentage of the energy produced reaches the end-users. Secondly, it improves overall energy efficiency by reducing the energy lost during transmission. Additionally, building geothermal power plants in proximity to communities creates job opportunities and fosters regional economic growth, benefiting the local economy.

In conclusion, geothermal energy offers multiple advantages as a clean, renewable, and sustainable energy source. Its minimal greenhouse gas emissions, coupled with its renewable nature, make it an environmentally friendly choice. The baseload power capability of geothermal energy ensures a reliable electricity supply, complementing intermittent renewable sources. Moreover, localized development near energy demand centers enhances energy efficiency and brings economic benefits to local communities. As breakthrough technologies continue to drive the geothermal revolution, this clean energy source is poised for significant growth and will play a crucial role in our transition to a more sustainable future.


Geothermal Energy for Military bases

The mission of military installations is to support the troops protecting America’s people and national interests at home and abroad. These military installations and the buildings within them must operate securely and effectively – whether their function is to house military personnel and their families, train soldiers and pilots, or re-supply troops in combat zones.


Military bases must operate without interruption. To do so, they need continuous power availability that is independent of the grid if required. Every activity at a military installation supports troops. The more effectively those activities are carried out, the better the support they provide. For example, the capability to reduce energy consumption and generate electricity from renewable resources on-site at a forward base eliminates the need to truck in fossil fuels and puts fewer personnel in harm’s way.


Geothermal energy can  be useful for military installations, the ideal scenario would be to find a geothermal resource within its fence line of sufficient quality and quantity to satisfy all the electricity and heating needs. Such a scenario could reduce general dependency on fossil fuels; achieve a Net Zero energy state; provide an incredibly robust level of energy assurance (independence from the commercial power grid); and optimally reduce power costs. It will also aid in the implmentation of the Energy Policy Act of 2007, and ensuing Presidential Executive Orders, military installations must reach specific energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets


For deeper understanding of Geothermal energy and applications please visit: Geothermal Power: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Energy Solutions

Challenges in Geothermal energy exploitation

Geothermal energy is still not explored fully. Geothermal energy can be made more widely available if the methods and technologies used to extract it are improved. Directional drilling in high temperatures, above 150°C or so, remains difficult, with equipment prone to melting (again, oil and gas engineers did not design their technologies with high heat in mind). As rock becomes harder, equipment must also be hardened to additional vibrations. And electronics need to be better insulated.


Supply of geothermal energy is limited and confined to certain areas only. The entire resource of geothermal energy is fairly bigger than that of coal, oil and gas. According to the Geothermal Energy Association’s 2013 Annual US Geothermal Power Production and Development Report, the United States has approximately 3,386-MW of installed geothermal capacity— more than any country in the world.


Although geothermal has great potential and there are many successful applications in the western United States, it is not a panacea, nor is it necessarily available everywhere it is needed. Specifically with regard to military installations, while there are many large bases in the Known Geothermal Resource Areas identified by the U.S. Geological Survey, only one full-scale power production facility has been developed to date on land controlled by the Department of Defense (DOD).


As the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) Kate Young explained to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources last year, the cost of geothermal development is split 50% on the surface (such as for power plants and piping) and 50% below ground. “Many of the below-ground costs are borne at the front end of the project development, which can make project financing challenging,” she said. “And though drilling and well construction activities are present in many industries, time and costs are significantly higher for geothermal.”


Because it typically involves boring into harder, hotter rocks, with more lost circulation, geothermal drilling “averages about 150–200 feet per day, compared to oil and gas wells that average more than 750 feet per day, and sometimes are as fast as a mile a day (a.k.a. ‘MAD’ wells),” she noted. But breakthroughs are possible with the right research focus and funding, such as have been achieved by the oil and gas industry, Young said.


Geothermal energy has the highest capacity factor (92 percent) and one of the lowest total system levelized costs/MWh ($89.6) of all power plant sources according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, but significant costs associated with geothermal development occur during exploration when the return on investment is undefined.


Looking beyond the use of thermal sources for generating energy, low-enthalpy geothermal energy is at present the most widely available source of energy, especially for use in generating heat, and it can be integrated into other local facilities that rely on renewable energy sources, says European report. Low enthalpy energy resources are currently being used in many communities across Europe to assist in domestic heating. This source of energy still requires more research to become more effective as part of larger scale models but clearly the technology is becoming more widely available


After many years of failure to launch, new companies and technologies have brought geothermal out of its doldrums, to the point that it may finally be ready to scale up and become a major player in clean energy. In fact, if its more enthusiastic backers are correct, geothermal may hold the key to making 100 percent clean electricity available to everyone in the world. And as a bonus, it’s an opportunity for the struggling oil and gas industry to put its capital and skills to work on something that won’t degrade the planet. Vik Rao, former chief technology officer at Halliburton, the oil field service giant, recently told the geothermal blog Heat Beat, “geothermal is no longer a niche play. It’s scalable, potentially in a highly material way. Scalability gets the attention of the [oil services] industry.”



The pros and cons of geothermal energy

Pros and cons of geothermal energy
Pros Cons
Generally environmentally friendly; does not cause significant pollution Some minor environmental issues
Renewable and sustainable Sustainability relies on reservoirs being properly managed
Massive potential Location-specific
Reliable High initial costs
Great for heating and cooling Can cause earthquakes in extreme cases


Breakthrough Technologies Driving Geothermal Revolution:

Recent technological advancements are propelling the geothermal industry towards a revolution. One such technology is Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). EGS involves creating engineered reservoirs by injecting water into hot rocks deep beneath the Earth’s surface. This process creates fractures and pathways for heat extraction, expanding the potential for geothermal power generation beyond naturally occurring reservoirs.

Advanced drilling techniques are also contributing to the geothermal revolution. Innovations such as directional drilling and slimhole drilling have significantly reduced the cost and environmental impact of geothermal projects. These advancements allow for more precise targeting of geothermal reservoirs, maximizing energy extraction efficiency.

Binary cycle power plants are another breakthrough technology in the geothermal sector. Unlike traditional steam-based plants that emit harmful gases, binary plants use a closed-loop system where a working fluid with a lower boiling point than water is vaporized by the geothermal heat. This eliminates emissions and improves overall plant efficiency.

Geothermal heat pumps are also playing a role in the geothermal revolution. These systems utilize the stable temperature underground to provide heating and cooling for buildings. By using underground pipes, these systems efficiently transfer heat, reducing energy consumption and costs for both residential and commercial applications.


Geothermal Technology Breakthrough to Disrupt Geothermal Industry

The EU Commission released a Call for Applications in 2017, focusing on reducing costs and improving the performance of renewable technologies, particularly geothermal energy. One of the main challenges in geothermal development is the high cost associated with drilling and well construction, with significant expenses incurred upfront. Geothermal drilling is slower and more expensive compared to oil and gas drilling due to the harder and hotter rocks encountered. To address these challenges, research initiatives are being carried out to improve drilling efficiency, develop sensing electronics for data collection, apply machine learning for reservoir management, and focus on materials development for well construction.


The call specificially addresses geothermal and the need for the development of novel drilling technologies to reach cost-effectively depths in the order of 5 km and/or temperatures higher than 250°C. So far, to boost geothermal drilling efficiency in the near-term, NREL has embarked on a number of measures, including holding its first collaborative workshop with oil and gas efficiency experts. As critically, NREL is focusing on materials development for well construction, which poses another significantly high cost of geothermal development.


In 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy launched the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize to stimulate innovation in additive manufacturing technologies for geothermal applications. The prize aims to harness the potential of additive manufacturing in tool design, fabrication, and functionality to unlock the potential of geothermal energy.


A key initiative of federal EGS research involves improving costs associated with drilling and well construction. Research is also underway to develop sensing electronics for data collection, and machine learning to improve geothermal reservoir management.


Advanced geothermal systems (AGS)

AGS refers to a new generation of “closed loop” systems, in which no fluids are introduced to or extracted from the Earth; there’s no fracking. Instead, fluids circulate underground in sealed pipes and boreholes, picking up heat by conduction and carrying it to the surface, where it can be used for a tunable mix of heat and electricity.


At least one project is showing good potential for AGS. In February 2020, Calgary, Alberta–based Eavor Technologies’ completed and third-party validated a demonstration of its Eavor-Loop technology at the full-scale Eavor-Lite facility  near Rocky Mountain House in Alberta. Drilling, which began in August 2019, involved using two Precision Drilling rigs to connect two vertical wells through multi-lateral horizontal wellbores at a depth of 2.4 kilometers—essentially to create a closed buried-pipe system. The system uses a proprietary working fluid that is added at the surface and then circulated to harvest heat from deep in the earth.


After drilling was completed on time (within 46 days) and construction of surface facilities were constructed, it was commissioned and switched to “thermosiphon mode” in December. As well as developing the project, Eavor said it has “assembled a multi-year, multi-billion-dollar prospect pipeline,” and it is now working with strategic partners and investors to begin first commercial projects.



Because the loop is closed, cool water on one side sinks while hot water on the other side rises, creating a “thermosiphon” effect that circulates the water naturally, with no need for a pump. Without the parasitic load of a pump, Eavor can make profitable use of relatively low heat, around 150°C, available almost anywhere about a mile and a half down.


Recent Breakthroughs

There have been a number of recent breakthroughs in geothermal energy, which have the potential to make this clean and renewable energy source more accessible and affordable. Some of the most notable breakthroughs include:

  • The development of new drilling technologies: New drilling technologies are making it possible to reach deeper geothermal reservoirs, which contain more heat. This is opening up new opportunities for geothermal development in areas that were previously considered too difficult or expensive to drill.
  • The development of new enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) technologies: EGS technology involves injecting water into hot rocks deep underground, which causes the water to turn to steam. The steam is then used to generate electricity. EGS technology has the potential to unlock vast amounts of geothermal energy that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  • The development of new direct-use geothermal systems (DGS) technologies: DGS technology uses geothermal energy directly for heating and cooling. DGS systems can be used to heat and cool homes, businesses, and other buildings. DGS systems are a cost-effective way to reduce energy costs and improve comfort.
  • Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) are advanced heating and cooling systems that utilize the natural heat stored in the ground to regulate indoor temperatures in residential and commercial buildings. GHPs leverage the consistent and renewable thermal energy found beneath the Earth’s surface to provide efficient and cost-effective heating and cooling solutions.Unlike traditional heating and cooling systems that rely on burning fossil fuels or consuming electricity directly, GHPs transfer heat to and from the ground. They utilize a network of underground pipes, known as ground loops, which circulate a fluid (usually water or a mixture of water and antifreeze) to absorb heat from the ground during the winter or to dissipate excess heat into the ground during the summer.The efficiency of GHPs stems from the relatively constant temperature of the Earth’s subsurface, known as the geothermal gradient. Regardless of the fluctuating outdoor temperatures, the ground beneath the surface remains relatively stable. In colder months, GHPs extract heat from the ground and transfer it indoors to warm the building. In warmer months, they remove heat from the building and release it into the cooler ground.

These breakthroughs are helping to make geothermal energy a more viable option for meeting the world’s growing energy needs. Geothermal power is a clean, reliable, and cost-competitive energy source that can help to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change.

In addition to the breakthroughs mentioned above, there are a number of other research and development efforts underway that could lead to further advances in geothermal energy. These efforts include:

  • Research into new ways to store geothermal energy: Storing geothermal energy would allow it to be used to generate electricity during times of peak demand.
  • Research into new ways to make geothermal power plants more efficient: Making geothermal power plants more efficient would reduce the cost of generating electricity from geothermal energy.
  • Research into new ways to reduce the environmental impact of geothermal energy development: Geothermal energy development can have some environmental impacts, such as the release of hydrogen sulfide gas. Research into new ways to reduce these impacts is ongoing.

The continued development of geothermal energy has the potential to make this clean and renewable energy source a major player in the global energy mix. As the world transitions to a clean energy future, geothermal energy will become an increasingly important source of electricity.


Novel filtration technology developed by MGX Minerals Inc. and PurLucid Treatment Solutions Inc.

MGX Minerals Inc. and PurLucid Treatment Solutions Inc. have collaborated to develop an innovative filtration technology for the purification of geothermal brines and the extraction of minerals and metals, including lithium, magnesium, and gold. This breakthrough technology offers an environmentally friendly and low-energy solution for the treatment of ultra-high temperature geothermal brines, addressing the industry barrier of scaling that affects the performance and economic viability of geothermal systems.

Similar to oilfield brines, it is well known that geothermal brines contain concentrated amounts of metals and dissolved salts. The presence of these impurities, combined with the necessity to reduce brine temperature in order for traditional filtration to occur, is a large industry barrier known as scaling that severely reduces flow and heat transfer of geothermal heat exchangers. This in turn negatively impacts the long-term operating performance and in many cases eliminates the economic viability of these systems. Geothermal brines are known to contain lithium, magnesium and other minerals and metals including gold.

The proprietary process developed by MGX and PurLucid utilizes a replaceable membrane skin layers (RSL) filtration system, which effectively removes scale-forming ions and dissolved salts from geothermal brines without the need for reducing brine temperatures. The RSL system creates highly charged pore spaces that force dissolved ions into colloidal particles, allowing for efficient filtration down to 0.01 microns. The ultrafiltration can be followed by a patent-pending membrane distillation system, particularly when heat is available. The technology can operate at temperatures of up to 700 degrees Celsius, making it suitable for geothermal applications.

In addition to its mineral and metals extraction capabilities, this technology also provides a sustainable alternative for the treatment of geothermal brine, which is typically reinjected without treatment. MGX and PurLucid are conducting engineering studies to develop treatment systems that can be integrated into existing geothermal infrastructure or used as standalone units.

The geothermal industry has seen a surge of startups seeking innovation and expertise in drilling technology. The experience gained from the oil and gas sector, such as hydraulic fracturing, can be applied to enhance geothermal operations. While conventional geothermal projects seeking hot water resources are currently more prevalent, advancements in technology and supportive policies are driving the growth of geothermal power. The industry has witnessed an increase in signed power purchase agreements (PPAs), indicating a rising interest in geothermal as a renewable energy resource.

Overall, the novel filtration technology developed by MGX Minerals Inc. and PurLucid Treatment Solutions Inc. represents a significant advancement in geothermal brine purification and mineral extraction. It offers an environmentally friendly solution, improves the economic viability of geothermal systems, and contributes to the growing momentum of geothermal power as a renewable energy source.


In a recent breakthrough, GA Drilling has successfully tested a new technology for deep geothermal drilling

In April 2023, GA Drilling, a.s. (“GA Drilling”) conducted the first public demonstration of its new deep drilling tool, ANCHORBIT®. GA Drilling developed the tool to materially cut the cost of deep geothermal drilling by doubling the drilling speed and extending the drillbit lifetime in hard and abrasive formations.


Deep geothermal drilling involves reaching depths where higher temperatures and pressure exist, allowing for greater heat extraction. This technology developed by GA Drilling tackles the challenges associated with deep drilling, such as high costs and environmental impact, by employing innovative approaches and tools.


ANCHORBIT® is a downhole walking system that prevents vibrations and improves stability when drilling with rotary systems in the hard and abrasive formations commonly encountered in deep and hot geothermal projects. In these conditions, ANCHORBIT® should double the rate of penetration and bit lifetime since the tool allows for the stabilization of the bit in the wellbore and thus applies more weight to the bit. Currently, drilling in such conditions is accompanied by vibrations, a low rate of penetration, and frequent replacement of bits.


The importance of this breakthrough technology lies in its potential to significantly expand the utilization of geothermal energy. By enabling efficient and cost-effective deep geothermal drilling, more geothermal resources can be accessed, increasing the availability of this clean and sustainable energy source. This technology opens up possibilities for developing geothermal power plants in areas previously considered inaccessible or uneconomical.


US Air Force Embraces Groundbreaking Geothermal Tech for Clean, Limitless Energy

In a groundbreaking move towards clean and limitless energy, the US Air Force is set to harness revolutionary geothermal technology developed by Canadian start-up Eavor. The technology, known as Eavor-Loop, aims to tap into unlimited green geothermal energy directly from the Earth’s core. This transformative project is poised to power the Joint Base San Antonio facility in Texas, marking a significant step towards energy resilience and autonomy.

By drilling several kilometers into the Earth’s surface and circulating water through a closed-loop system, Eavor taps into the Earth’s natural heat gradient, generating steam that powers electricity-generating turbines. This closed-loop system, known as a thermosiphon, enables continuous energy generation without the need for pumps, making the process highly efficient and self-sustaining.

Eavor’s approach involves pouring cold water down one end of the loop, allowing it to turn into steam as it travels horizontally below ground. The steam is then extracted, and the process repeats, creating a perpetual cycle of energy generation. This innovative closed-loop system has been successfully demonstrated at a facility in Alberta, Canada, since 2019, showcasing the technology’s practical viability.

The US Department of Defense has awarded Eavor a contract to implement its geothermal technology at the Joint Base San Antonio facility. Partnering with Chesapeake Energy for technical expertise, Eavor aims to fortify defense infrastructure by providing clean energy independent of electrical grid disruptions.

Ravi Chaudhary, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Energy, emphasizes the need to enhance energy resilience in defense installations, stating that geothermal sources strengthen energy grids and provide the ability to isolate threats. This capability is seen as crucial in an era of strategic competition, ensuring victory in high-end conflicts.


Fervo’s Innovative Geothermal Approach Heats Up Clean Energy Production

Fervo Energy is revolutionizing geothermal power with a technique inspired by the oil and gas industry. Unlike traditional geothermal plants, Fervo leverages horizontal drilling to tap into previously inaccessible heat sources. This innovation unlocks several benefits for clean energy production:

  • Reaching New Depths: Fervo’s approach, similar to drilling for oil and gas, allows them to reach hotter geothermal resources trapped deeper underground.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Integration of fiber-optic cables provides continuous data on the geothermal system’s flow, temperature, and performance. This real-time feedback enables fine-tuning for optimal efficiency.
  • 24/7 Clean Energy: By accessing higher temperatures, Fervo’s plants can generate carbon-free electricity (CFE) around the clock, a significant advantage over some renewable sources like solar or wind.
  • Land Efficiency: The horizontal drilling technique requires less surface area compared to traditional geothermal plants, minimizing land footprint.

This combination of deep drilling, real-time monitoring, and efficient CFE generation positions Fervo as a leader in next-generation geothermal energy. Their approach offers a promising solution for expanding clean energy production while minimizing environmental impact.



World’s geothermal power generation capacity growth

The world’s geothermal power generation capacity has grown steadily over the past few decades. In 2022, the total installed capacity stood at 16,127 megawatts (MW), an increase of 286 MW over 2021.


The global geothermal power market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% from 2022 to 2028. The growth of the market is being driven by the increasing demand for renewable energy sources, the rising cost of fossil fuels, and the government support for the development of geothermal power projects.


  • The growth of geothermal power capacity is being driven by a number of factors, including:
    • The increasing demand for renewable energy sources
    • The rising cost of fossil fuels
    • The government support for the development of geothermal power projects
  • The United States has the largest installed geothermal power capacity in the world. The majority of the country’s geothermal power plants are located in California, Nevada, and Utah. The US Department of Energy (DOE) is working to expand the country’s geothermal power capacity by investing in research and development, and by providing financial assistance to developers.
  • Indonesia is the second-largest geothermal power producer in the world. The country has a large number of geothermal resources, and the government is committed to developing them. Indonesia has set a target of 7,200 MW of installed geothermal power capacity by 2025.
  • The Philippines is the third-largest geothermal power producer in the world. The country has a number of geothermal resources, and the government is working to develop them. The Philippines has set a target of 3,500 MW of installed geothermal power capacity by 2030.



The Road Ahead:

The future of geothermal power looks promising. With breakthrough technologies driving innovation, the barriers to geothermal energy deployment are gradually being overcome. Governments, investors, and energy companies are recognizing the potential of this renewable resource and are increasingly investing in geothermal projects.

However, challenges remain. Initial exploration and drilling costs, as well as regulatory hurdles, can impede widespread geothermal development. Governments need to provide policy support, financial incentives, and streamlined permitting processes to encourage further adoption of geothermal power.


Geothermal energy, a clean and sustainable power source, is poised for a significant breakout driven by breakthrough technologies. Its benefits, including clean emissions, sustainability, and baseload power, make it an attractive solution for a world transitioning towards a low-carbon future. With ongoing advancements in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, drilling techniques, power plant designs, and heat pump technology, geothermal power is set to play a pivotal role in the clean energy revolution. As we unlock the Earth’s hidden heat, we unlock a brighter, greener future for generations to come



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About Rajesh Uppal

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